A dark skinned girl clad in armor and green clothes ran down the streets of Magnolia in a hurry, almost bulldozing people over in her haste. Whatever she was obviously late for, it must have been important for her to have so little regard for others right now and earning more than a few glares as a result. Well, It was important to the girl anyways, bur maybe not so much to other people. In either case, the girl ran down the street, the few pieces of armor she was wearing clattering against her body. She turned the corner, only to be met with a wooden cart to the stomach. She hit the cart with speed enough to send it flipping over and her with it. The cart broke in two, spilling its cargo over the ground. The merchant who had owned the cart simply watched as his livelihood was destroyed right then and there. He fell to his knees and looked at the destruction this girl had brought to his leafy vegetables.[b]"My cabbages!"[/b] He shouted into the air, his hands grabbing his hair in despair, though his face was one of defeat as though this wasn't the first time this had happened. Poor guy. She felt slightly sorry for him, but she had bigger problems right now. Like the road quickly approaching her face for a make-out session. Thankfully, as an earth mage, she could handle a crash such as this rather easily. [b]"Sorry!"[/b] She shouted back at the man, as she hit the ground. Well, more like [b]drilled[/b] through the ground. As soon as she hit the stone, it collapsed beneath her, leaving a rather large hole where she had once been. Diver magic was quite useful, no? Quite useful for getting around, and good for a fun laugh at the guild when she just randomly drilled through the floor and ended up under someone. That was always hilarious. Except for the time she drilled into the mens restroom. Well, actually, that was hilarious to her. Not so much everyone else. Well, this time she was sure she would get her target right and prevent any mishaps like last time...or the time before that....or the time before that....or...come to think of it, she never got her target right. Ah well...fiftieth time was the charm!...or was this the fifty first?....whatever, she was going to nail it this time, she was sure of it. ~~~~~~~~ The ground next to Yukiko suddenly began to...crack, where she sat on her bar stool. Suddenly, it gave way, the ground falling into a hole, moments later a dark skinned girl wearing a few pieces of armor and green clothing cam practically shooting out of the hole at a speed that made it obvious she was using some form of magic. Chloe, was her name. And it seemed like for once, she got her destination right! More or less. She had been aiming for the cellar where they stored all the drinks and stuff, but the bar would do. At least she hadn't ended up in Gramps' room or something. The girl landed just a few feet away from the hole as she brushed a few particles of dirt out of her dark green hair, and at first didn't notice Yukiko. Instead, wearing a big grin, she walked over to the bar and took a seat on a stool and ordered herself a drink. [b]"Whew...made it."[/b] She chuckled.