________________________ [b]Silver [/b] Silver's eye opened lazily. He was so tired from staying up late at night looking at his spare cards to see what would work. So far nothing would suffice enough, to build a deck. He couldn't use his father’s spares because he already took a couple to improve his deck. Much to his Dads annoyance after all his father made new decks every day for the next day while deconstructing the previous one's except, his pride and joy. The Lock-down deck. Sighing Silver changed into his day cloth's his favorite black jacket Cast over his back like a shroud. "ah today's going to be a great day" Silver said with a grin as there was an Annoying knock at the door that could only be one person... _______________________________________________ [b]Liliana [/b] Liliana had been awake for a while Shuffling through her gusto cards with some considerable care. They where all accounted for much to her relief. She checked the time Silver needed to get going or else he would show her up for her big day at the LDS and she really didn't need that, Pocketing her deck she left her Room and made her way across the hall towards Silver's Room with the black and green door. she knocked once quietly and got no answer. So ended up knocking louder eventually Silver answer the door wearing his black jacket. "what you want sis" Silver said his eyes waiting a answer "Silver we gotta get going. or we are gonna be late. Both Mum and Dad have already left early so they can do their jobs, and they said we gotta get going right now." Liliana said before running downstairs,hastily Putting on her shoes, grabbing her backpack and running out of the door towards the LDS which was located a couple of blocks away. Silver had finally stumbled out of the door and was catching up behind her panting heavily. In her opinion he really needed to exercise. ____________________________________________ [b]Alice [/b] Alice slowly curled her hair around her finger as she watched people pour into the main arena for the exhibition match she was one of the first one here and she had waited for age's Finally Some action would start soon. because it didn't seem that she could wait any longer. she had already looked through her deck twice. thought of a couple of random Idea's and Stuff Finally Liliana and Silver entered the Stadium Silver was still panting "you really need to get fit silver" Alice said under her breath as her Tall but thin Son took a seat near the front behind his sister as he accidentally pulled attention to himself by tripping over. ______________________________________ [b]Nathan [/b] Nathan was pushing a Trolley through the Inside of the stadium Cleaning it has he went The top of the trolley was cleared of cleaning goods and replaced with a some cards slowly being made into a deck. Neither the less Nathan continued his work bored out of his head but someone had to do it and he needed to get payed so he could get more cards and continue his hobby of deck building. Nathans mind drifted off as he daydreamed about all the cards he could get if he was rich. "pf-ft like that will ever happen" he said aloud to himself as he continued mopping the floor as the stadium boomed outside.