[FIRST POST] Magus Nilrem Ethereal codex lesser memory archive Season Two of the year 3901 Thoughts on the Malkan army and plans on defense against possible attacks Current stat readings: Assets(3) Power(5) Production(3) Influence (1) Charm(0) So it seemed that Pillar Malka planed on coming for us once more. Even from Dakhen, Nilrem could sense the evil in Lord Prospero, a man like that is hard to discourage once his mind is set on something, and it appeared Prospero had his mind set on leveling Dakhen. Nilrem however, had his mind set on stopping Prospero. The Malkan army prepared to strike at Dakhen from across The Tempest Sea. To halt any possible advances Nilrem had devised several defensive measures. [hider=Defensive measures][list=1] [*]The Malkan army will most likely travel across The Tempest Sea to attack Dakhen. To prevent or at least slow down any advances, I will summon a terrifying sea monster referred to by pre-descent sailors as The Kraken, and release it into The Tempest Sea. To prevent any attacks on any non-enemy vessels, I will alter The Kraken's mind so that it will only attack Malkan military.[/*] [*]If the Malkan army manages to land on Dakhen ground, they will be met with a magical barrier, that keeps any metal forged by Malkan hands from passing through, this will mean that the attackers will have to abandon their war machines and anything else they have that's made of metal.[/*] [*]If the Malkan army can somehow bypass the first two obstacles, the enemy will then have to go through a rune field that surrounds Dakhen. If an ordinary person enters the rune field, the runes will do noting. But if a person with bad intentions for Dakhen enters the rune field, their minds will be filled with unimaginable fear.[/*] [/list][/hider] Nilrem planed on putting these measures into place immediately. Nilrem would not spend a single asset on hiring help, he was perfectly capable of setting up these defenses himself. Nilrem did not plan on consulting with the rest of The High Council on this matter. Current circumstances required action now rather than later. [i]Echos of past events nudge the tiller on my present course, I await it's reflection in the future.[/i] -Magus Nilrem