[b]Name:[/b] Faira Sellwood [b]Age:[/b] 17 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Appearance:[/b] [URL=http://s1174.photobucket.com/user/Scath_na_hOiche/media/Character_zpsb0b35381.jpg.html][IMG]http://i1174.photobucket.com/albums/r620/Scath_na_hOiche/Character_zpsb0b35381.jpg[/IMG][/URL] [b]Personality:[/b] Though outgoing when around people she knows, she is usually quiet when meeting new people and tries to avoid large groups of people unknown to her at all costs. She has a fiery spirit and is up for almost anything with friends. She is loyal, and would do anything to keep her friends and family safe. When angry, she is a raging fire that would quickly—if not accidentally—burn her contender, both metaphorically and literally. [b]Fears:[/b] Drowning, the possibility that her powers will not remain forever, and losing her loved ones. [b]Ability:[/b] Control and mimicry of darkness/shadows, and fire manipulation. [b]Short History:[/b] Found abandoned when she was a baby with only strange flute and a note with her name on it, Faira was placed with an adoption agency, where she was quickly adopted by a loving couple. She grew up mostly happy and knowing she was adopted, always wondering who her biological parents were. A few weeks before her seventeenth birthday, one of her friends had dragged her to a party. She hung back, hoping no one would notice her and wishing she could blend in with the shadows of the poorly lit room. Suddenly, she found that that is exactly what she could do. Not long after that, she discovered her ability to control fire after she and her best friend got into a heated argument. She had stormed off to a single bathroom in a corner of their school to try and cool off, but instead set the toilet paper roll on fire. She chose to share her abilities with her few friends, but a majority of them reacted with fear, and drew away from Faira. Because of that, she chose to keep the abilities from her parents. Both intrigued and frightened by her abilities, she began to practice and play with her new-found gifts, doing what research she could on the powers by both reading and trial-and-error, until the day when she found herself waking in a strange manor along with a few others, and only a note signed by someone calling his/herself “The Collector” as an explanation. [b]Other:[/b] She has a strange, swirling scar on her shoulder which she has had since placed into adoptive care, and tends to favor clothes of the color black. She always carries the flute she was found with, which is conveniently collapsible, and has had a special pocket sewn onto a couple pairs of her pants specifically for the instrument. Still not entirely capable of controlling her powers, they tend to “act up” with emotions.