[hider=Anthony E. Martin] [b]Full Name:[/b] Lieutenant General Anthony Edwin Martin, Yakima Republic (YKR). [b]Age:[/b] 52. [b]Race:[/b] Human. [b]Gender:[/b] Male. [b]Rank:[/b] Lieutenant General. [b]Brief Origin Story:[/b] Anthony is a native of the Yakima Valley, raised on a small-scale independent farm along the river. The farm was practically a settlement onto itself from before Anthony was born, having long been home to Anthony's entire extended family. Every adult on the farm was constantly armed, and the lack of valuables and presence of competent and prudent defenders meant that the farm rarely experienced harassment from the local raider companies. On an increasingly regular basis as Anthony aged, his parents allowed displaced families from neighbouring farms and settlements the opportunity to be given temporary lodgings on the Martin farm, in exchange for assistance with work and defence. More often than not, the Martins would end up adopting the family permanently, not being able to handle the moral consequences of sending innocent families out into the wastes to die. This ultimately meant that by the time Anthony reached adulthood, his family's farm had exploded into a fully fledged town, complete with a makeshift perimeter wall and a permanent town guard. It was in the Martinsville town guard that Anthony would find his first employment. Having shown a natural talent at shooting from a young age, and being the son of the town's founder, Anthony found himself in the position of Martinsville Sheriff within a few years of his introduction onto the force. Under Anthony's tutelage, the Martinsville town guard was slowly professionalized, transforming from a simple villager's militia into a genuine, respectable fighting force: The Martin Rangers. When the passing of his father left Anthony as the obvious choice for the town's next leader, Anthony embarked on a campaign of expansion for Martinsville. The Martin Rangers became something of a good-willed mercenary force, deploying in neighbouring farms and settlements to ensure that Martinsville's environs were more or less as safe as the town itself. The expansion of safe territory around Martinsville caused a population explosion, opening up thousands of acres of arable land for new settlers to build their lives on. The neighbouring settlements in proximity of Martinsville began to be considered less and less as 'neighbouring settlements' and instead as mere extensions of Martinsville itself. It was then, during a period of unprecedented growth and peace, that disaster struck. The Unification War would turn into the first major armed campaign for the Martin Rangers. Now Mayor Anthony had declined the original offer he'd received for his town to join in alliance with Gordon Clearwater's Sunnyside River outfit, having deep misgivings over Gordon's alliances with various regional raiders. It was only when fighting escalated, and increasingly desperate raiders began to prod into Martinsville's farming villages, that Anthony was forced into action. Leaving behind only a token force of Rangers in command of a hastily assembled militia force to defend Martsinville against further raider attacks, Anthony embarked with the bulk of the Martin Rangers to launch a raid on a known bandit fort at the foot of the Cascades, west of Martsinville's limits. Anthony proved lucky: upon his force's arrival, the base was swarming with raiders of numerous outfits, all of whom had come together at the mountain hideaway to discuss a counter-alliance against Gordon Clearwater's forces. The Martin Rangers, slightly outnumbered but superiorly trained and equipped, managed to capture the base with minimal casualties thanks to Anthony's personal command. The Rangers swiftly adopted the former raider fort as their forward base of operations, and sent many of the raiders who'd surrendered after the battle was lost back east to Martsinville, as forced labourers on the town's farms. The former raider compound, now known as the Cascade Outpost, became the operational headquarters of the Martin Rangers for the duration of their involvement in the Unification War. Anthony reconsidered Clearwater's proposal, and, having proven the independent formidableness of his Martin Rangers, accepted the offer of alliance. Martin Ranger involvement from there on out mostly consisted of serving as supplementary forces or reinforcements to existing allied companies. Since the end of the Unification War and the peaceful annexation of Martinsville into the Yakima Republic, Anthony has abandoned himself from civilian life, leaving administration of Martinsville to Yakima civil authorities. He now focuses exclusively on his military career as leader of the Martin Rangers, working on expanding the territory of the Yakima Republic in a similar fashion to how he helped to expand the town of Martinsville many years ago. Anthony sees himself as a benevolent authoritarian; he does not shy from forcing civilization upon those who might have fooled themselves into thinking they don't want it. However, his days as leader of Martinsville have made him sympathetic to the desires of small, independent towns to remain outside of foreign control. Overall, Anthony is a no nonsense professional that spares little time for anything but getting the job done. [b]Appearance:[/b] Tall, standing over 6'6, and with a build to match. Anthony wears a constant frown, and his tanned complexion stands as testament to his continued field presence in spite of his growing age. He is clean shaven and overall well-kept, looking every bit as professional as a general ought to look. His eyes and hair are a dark brown, matching almost perfectly the colour of his officer's outfit for the Martin Rangers.[/hider] [hider=Martin Rangers] [center][u][b]Army Banner[/b][/u][/center] [img]http://i.imgur.com/QViEWY9.png?1[/img] [b]Army Specialisations:[/b] The Martin Rangers are specially trained to observe conduct fitting of professional soldiers, and to ensure amicable relations with civilian settlements outside of the YKR. They are also particularly skilful at rapid and effective fortification—the sort necessary to prepare a previously unknown point for a defensive confrontation. The Martin Ranger skill-set is specifically designed to make the force from Martinsville the most effective of the Yakima Republic's armies when it comes to annexation of outside settlements. [b]Army Origins:[/b] Formed out of the local militia of Martinsville, a town founded by Anthony E. Martin's father. [b]Army Racial Composition:[/b] The Martin Rangers are traditionally an all human force, a point still emphasized by Anthony E. Martin in order to ensure that the force maintains its ability to be easily respected by outsiders. Ghouls, super-mutants and robots, in Lieutenant General Martin's mindset, would make independent settlements that have had confrontations with such creatures less keen on the idea of incorporation into Yakima. [u][b]Order of Battle[/b][/u] [i]Frontier Company;[/i] Human Light Infantry, equipped with long-range outfitted semi-automatic rifles, knives and very light armour, for maximum mobility. Responsible for overseeing contact with foreign settlements, typically from afar. [i]Contact Company;[/i] Human Medium Infantry, equipped with medium-range selective fire rifles, moderate to light armour and revolvers. Responsible for facilitating and managing contact with foreign settlements. [/hider] [hider=Cascade Outpost] [b]Headquarters Description:[/b] The Martin Rangers are based out of a former raider outpost, in the mountains west of Martinsville. The outpost consists of a series of large cabins nestled into a heavily forested area, adjacent to a rock face. Besides the cabins themselves, which act primarily as sleeping quarters for the Rangers, there is also a makeshift (non-Vault Tec) bomb shelter built into the rock face. The bomb shelter is the main storage vault for the Martin Rangers, home to their armoury, as well as the personal quarters of Anthony E. Martin. There is no perimeter protecting the Cascade Outpost, and the cabins are unfortified. If need be, the Martin Rangers can use the bomb shelter as a point to fall back to, should the outpost be overwhelmed. Before the war, the base's cabins were home to a hunting shop, and various other stores dedicated to outdoor activities. The owner of the shops had predicted the war long before the bombs started dropping, and had arranged for a bomb shelter to be built on his land, to ensure his family would survive when it happened. At long last, on October 22nd, 2077, when the rest of the world burned in flames, the owner and his family were safe and sound inside the shelter. They stayed there for several weeks, and when their supplies ran out, they emerged to find their little homestead completely untouched. It wasn't long after that, though, that the lawlessness of the post-war world caught up to the Cascades. The shop owner and his family were brutally butchered by raiders, and the area served as a bandit hovel for decades upon decades, until the Martin Rangers forced civilization back onto the territory. When the area was secured, the Rangers found that, being a former hunting supply store, the cabins were filled to the brim with various intimidating looking hunting traps, meant to catch animals. Finding them just as effective on animalistic humans, those traps now act as the Cascade Outpost's sole line of defence, excluding the presence of the Rangers themselves. If you're not interested in testing out how a bear trap works, it's unwise to stray from the path to the Cascade Outpost.[/hider]