She seemed a bit jumpy at the rowdy crowd just downstairs. She can usually sleep right through the noise, but considering what she did, and that there was a person standing in her room because of it, she was quite on edge. So when Corvus burst into laughter, she flinched. She certainly didn't expect the sudden change in his behavior and acted unevenly because of it. She glanced at the door, the noise from downstairs disturbing his sentence, grabbing her dagger from him in a panic. She turned quickly to grab her clothes and gather what belongings she had with her. "As I said, it's not here. It's actually with the smithy, I needed some repairs, was supposed to pick it up in the morning. But I'm not about to stay around here so..." she quickly threw on her clothes and turned to meet his gaze, "lead the way". She paused a moment, her eyes darting around the room now. "Wait ... how do I know I can trust you?", she says, it was more of an afterthought, why would she expose her back to someone who might kill her, especially for something like getting dressed. But it was true, and the idea of going somewhere unknown with someone who held a sword to her wasn't exactly a very comforting one.