Madame Katherine Evangeline Greywind Stats:Assets(5), Power(0), Production(5), Influence (4), Charm(2) Mess and tangle. Transitioning from one line of biosynthesis production to an entirely new one was never an easy task, but was now merely a matter of management and direction than serious innovation now that a profile for production had been locked in. Which still meant obscene amounts of paperwork crossing Katherine's desk she had to read and sign off on. If she didn't have her trusty maid-biosynths to serve on her around the clock, she didn't know how she'd have managed to get it all done within the span of days instead of years. Aaaand now she was giving into unsubstantiated hyperbole, not a good sign for her sanity at this point. Cradling a glass of fine wine, Katherine waved away a maidservant with another pile of papers as she endeavored to refocus her mind. She needed a break, damn what the other councilors may say, she needed a break before she started acting and ordering irrationally and undermined both herself and Dahken with a ill-timed execution or something. She blinked. Execution. Thats right, the city arena had just opened up again recently. She almost forgot to reserve her usual booth! Scrambling for a pad, she rapped out a message directed to the Master of the Arena to reserve a VIP booth at the arena so she could get a clear first-hand view of the bloodshed and combat. A few thoughts later, and she decided to send invitations out to her fellow councilors to join her if they wished. Wouldn't hurt to be polite and show off some wealth, unlike the pauper Jarvis was driving his family to be with his current rate of charity. And if they chose not to drop in, she could invite Madame Vol and some of her fellow tycoons instead. Best to make arrangements sooner rather than later. [hider=A letter to the City Arena entertainment company] Sir, Union Laborworks expresses an interest in investing in the city arena games to ensure a sufficiently awesome spectacle for the Pillar to behold, both in financing for extending the duration of the games and the contribution of genejack "contestants" to fill out the ranks of gladiators if casualties exceed available supply of fighters. I am certain you can find plenty of uses for brutes without pain or laborers receptive to many kinds of chemical or hypnotic conditioning. I also wish to reserve a first-order private VIP observer booth for the duration of the season's games to personally attend the show with some personal guests. I have a deep respect for the arena arts, and look forward to the events scheduled for inspiration and amusement to the masses and nobility alike. From, Lady Katherine Evangeline Greywind, CEO of Union Laborworks [/hider] [hider=Message to the Council] Tickets to the arena anyone? All work no play makes for a dull council. And I find the stimulation and setting of a violent arena to be quite conductive to hard questions of life and governance. Or a good place to confer with the city's elite on amicable terms. [/hider]