[b]-CLOSED FOR CURRENT ARC WILL NOT ACCEPT ANY MORE CHARACTERS-[/b] Welcome to Hibikiaru City, a city of many wonders big and small. One wonder in pafrticular is the school next to Hibiki Tower known as Mahouki Academy, the school is seen as a normal high school but in reality it is known as Mahouki Academy for Mages. This is the new year and many students have enrolled and one of them is you. Study hard in order to turn your magic in a physical form, this is your familiar. Train hard to turn your familiar into the fighting spirit burning inside you, this is your weapon. Use your weapon in order to protect that which you see worth protecting or destroy it all together. Now step into the world of magic!!! Rules: If you do not want a weapon you may create a special move instead. No Auto-hitting or godmodding. Make your familiar based on whatever you see fit. Romance is allowed keep it pg-13 Your familiar may have a human form but (to guys) not all of them can be girls :3 Have fun in this brand new world CS: Appearance: Name: Age: Gender: Magic Name: Weapon: Personality: Crush: Familiar Appearance: Familiar (Human) Appearance: (if any) Other: My CS: Appearance: [img]http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2014/234/b/6/kasuga_arata_2___from_trinity_seven___by_imwhiite-d7w693l.jpg[/img] Name: Shinjimoto "Shinji" Kagemura Age: 19 Gender: Male Magic Name: Silver Flare Weapon: [img]https://c1.staticflickr.com/3/2324/5756275931_6ed8502091_z.jpg[/img] Personality: Kind, Weird, and Fun to be around Crush: (To be changed) Familiar Appearance: [img]http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2010/029/3/f/Nine_Tailed_Beauty_Coloured_2_by_Kitsune_95.jpg[/img] Silver not orange Familiar (Human) Appearance: [img]http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs30/f/2008/174/9/a/Ying_the_Nine_Tail_by_sash0.jpg[/img] Other: Carries the book seen in the pic and calls it his "Void Grimoire" as it can hold as many notes the owner wishes. If you have any questions let me know.