• Name: Luka • Gender: Female • Age: 24 • Race: Dairon Human • Appearance: Five foot, five inches in height. Eyes are light orange. [hider=Appearance][URL=http://s248.photobucket.com/user/the_help_you_doll/media/bloop%20bloop/20100823100513_zps30dca59d.jpg.html][IMG]http://i248.photobucket.com/albums/gg175/the_help_you_doll/bloop%20bloop/20100823100513_zps30dca59d.jpg[/IMG][/URL][/hider] • Gear & Possessions: -A (rather skimpy) armour set made up of bone, forged steel, hard leather, and flowing silk. -Her usual bladed, chain whip -A set of throwing knives -Pair of Iron Claws -A lucky red headband -An 'arrow catching' blue silk cape • Skills & Abilities: -Skilled brawler -Skilled dancer -Weapon talented -Self-taught/freestyle dance fighting skill -General badassery • Personality: It seems that she’s pretty easy-going, wild-child, no matter the situation. To her, life seems too short to hold grudges, too short to invest too much attachment to anything. At the moment, she is heavily focused on living out her life, and having a great adventure. Despite being easy-going and chill, she is a real wild-child, and loves a good fight here or there, with or without a weapon…heck, she’d wrestling/tussle/grapple with anybody who asks. • History: Luka is the daughter of the head of a lesser clan of Dairon, and despite the way she acts, she is very set on tradition and following her clan’s rules. Like her own adventurous mother before her, she is allowed to live the life of an adventurer till she is finally married…well, actually, she is married to the youngest of the emperor's dozen sons…but since her spouse is roughly half her age, she still has 4-8 more years to do her before she has to settle down into the role of wife. She is currently travelling about as a mercenary.