(Shall we have them leave the party in the next couple of posts?) Larek reached over and briefly scratched Nyx's back, moving in a circular motion. He knew where she enjoyed it, and he wanted her to be happy. Then, he finished his desert. Veax gave Hermia a smile, but it was clear something was bothering him. It wasn't painful or bad, but he was uncomfortable. Orna stroked Tran's face back, appreciating his thicker skin, which was fitting for a male. The contrast between his strength and her grace made her quite aroused, but she did her best not to show it. Nevertheless, the flame of desire was evident in her eyes. Kos turned to Sasha. "Well, maybe I can learn how to do it too. Heh. Funny. It's not something most males are concerned with, but for once, I don't care if it is."