[hider=Sigrid] [b]Name:[/b] Sigrid Milrun [b]Age:[/b] 24 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Race:[/b] Human [b]Appearance:[/b] [img=http://th02.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/f/2014/091/4/a/wanderer_by_haco1-d7cjvkp.jpg] Sigrid is a fairly beautiful looking woman. She has blond hair, blue eyes, and figure that would easily captivate the eyes of most men. The most striking feature about her though, is her height. She is tall, for a woman and can stand a head taller than most men. Her height is accompanied by strength that someone wouldn't expect her to have. [b]Personality:[/b] Sigrid...doesn't like people, to sum up her personality in a few words, despite her calm and friendly exterior. The only things that could make her give you the time of day is either Strength, or Intelligence. You want her respect and so called 'friendship', then you have to prove that you are one or the other. She herself, thinks she has both and constantly strives to become stronger and experience all the world has to offer. However, despite her somewhat aloof and cold nature towards those she doesn't respect or see as an equal, she does act civil, if not a little cynical and sarcastically towards them. When in battle, she stays calm and collected for the most part, though at times she succumbs to her own battle lust if she finds the fight particularly entertaining and ends up disregarding all reason and regard for others lives. When this happens, its almost impossible to get her to calm down until she has killed any living thing in the vicinity, or until she has been beaten so badly she can't complete that task at all. [b]Brief Backstory:[/b] Sigrid hails from the country of Europa, specifically the northern coasts where the viking raiders make their home. Being born a viking herself, she was once one of these such raiders. She grew up in a rather large coastal village, which was a frequent stop for raiders on their way back from a raid on the lands to the south. Sigrid always admired them, and whenever they did stop by, she always asked the men and women who took part in the raid countless questions on what happened. Eventually, she befriended a older warrior who took a liking to her. Seeing that she was interested in fighting, he taught her how to, through practical experience. She spent most of her childhood training with the old warrior, from the time she could barely lift a heavy wooden spear, to the time she could swing it hard enough to cut a wooden training dummy in two. Of course, he insisted that being good in battle wasn't the only job a warrior needed. He also taught her to read, and take an interest in the world around her. The other nations and specifically, magic. Though she didn't appreciate his efforts so much at first, she slowly learned that being knowledgeable about the world would come in handy later in her life, especially should she find herself in a foreign country. After some time, she practically begged the old warrior to take her on a raid with the others. Hardly able to deny that she was skilled with a weapon, he couldn't find an excuse not to take her. The raiders could always use another skilled soldier, especially one so naturally talented as she was. He had one of his blacksmith friends custom make an armor and weapon for her, the same she uses today. The raid, went horribly wrong. Their group was completely decimated. The survivors either fled, or were taken prisoner. Sigrid, was one of the lucky ones able to get away. Of course, this wasn't until she had killed quite a few of the enemy soldiers with her new magical abilities. Afterwards, she vowed to become stronger. So, instead of going back home, she began to travel and challenge anyone she thought was worthy to battle, soon discovering her abilities to make others fight for her or against her, and her ability to grant others a temporary boost to their magic and stamina. [b]Abilities:[/b] Skilled with both fighting with weapons and magic, Sigrid has quite a versatile skill set. However, it should be noted that her magic doesn't technically have an 'element' such as lightning, fire, or water and such. Her magic is simply Mana in its purest, rawest form. If it looks like she's shooting lightning, its not. Its just highly concentrated mana shot towards a target at high speed. Causes burns similar to fire, if something is hit by it, though it can't ignite something, it can if there is some sort of flammable substance on whatever it hits. All of her magic is like this. And while it isn't weak to any form of magic, it is also not superior to any form of magic. Of course, that's not to say she can't manipulate other elements, she can with time manipulate most other forms of magic should she have enough time to study them and learn their properties. However, she is still quite unskilled with magic and still needs to learn quite a bit. Aside from her magical talent, she is adept with a spear as well and always attempts to solve any fighting problems with it first, rather than resorting to magic. She is deceptively strong, and light on her feet, easily outmaneuvering slower opponents. [b]Equipment, Items, and Other Belongings on Hand:[/b] [i]A patchwork of leather, Chainmail, and cloth armor:[/i] Offers moderate protection without sacrificing mobility. Used to be completely made out of Chain-mail, but after years of use and abuse she's had to make some repairs. The armor often clanks or rattles as she walks. [i]A Spear:[/i] Her main weapon of choice, is a spear. Its as old looking as her armor and the blade of which is stained a rusty brown color, either from her not cleaning it or simply from age. Possibly both. Good for attacking, and defending attacks should she have need. The head of the spear, is actually made out of a sharpened Mammoth Tusk. The wooden haft of the spear shows the weapons age quite clearly. She's obviously had the armor for quite a while, and while she doesn't seem to clean the armor and spear that often, they have never seemed to have lost their durability or effectiveness at stopping attacks and slicing things. She's rather attached to the armor and the weapon, and would need to take a lot of convincing to replace them. [b]Miracles:[/b] [u][i]Wellspring of Mana:[/u][/i] Should she feel so inclined, Sigrid can radiate an aura of mana and give others a taste of what its like to have a large supply of mana and energy. Practitioners of magic will find their spells more potent and are much more powerful. Others who are less magically inclined, will still benefit from an increase in stamina and marginal increase in strength. The effects are not permanent, and only last a few hours before the effect must be reapplied. [u][i]Battle lust:[/u][/i]While using this, Sigrid can make others fight for her, or against her, depending on what her desires are. Of course, it can't make a pacifist suddenly take up a weapon and fight someone, and someone who directly opposes her isn't just going to suddenly grovel at her feet, and those with a clear purpose and mental clarity will be able to resist. Still, most neutral parties can be effected by this miracle and will take up arms against, or for her. While she normally just uses this to make people fight for her amusement, it can boost the morale of anyone already following her should they lack the confidence to fight against an enemy. However, the ability will not work on other godlings of similar ability or higher of her own. [b]Domains:[/b] Magic and Battle [/hider]