After Otto and Mifune's departure from the battlefield, Peter returned to his rock and threw his arms into the air. "Well that was even less spectacular than the one before it! Hm..." He paused in thought as a roll of parchment appeared before him. He opened it and skimmed down the sheet. Satisfied with what he read, he tossed the paper over his shoulder, and it vanished before touching the ground. He stroked his chin for a moment before calling the next match. "Herriman of The Raven! And... Solnechynn and Priroda Lyubov of Koinonia!" Again, the named combatants materialized onto the battlefield, and Peter took a good look at them. "Well, I don't really have to repeat myself every match right? Especially when the last one was only 3 seconds long." He chuckled at his own remark before continuing. "Either way, this fight's a bit different since there's two of you..." he stated as he turned to the twins. "It would probably be fair that you will have to pick one of you to fight, but its up to him really." He added while throwing his tumb over his shoulder at Herriman. "You guys should figure that out before we start." His arms fell to his side as he waited for the fighters to converse and come to an agreement.