Gotham. A city so filled with criminal scum that even the famous bat family wasn't a strong enough detergent to wash it clean. Danny sat on the edge of a buildings roof, staring silently at the streets and allies that slithered through. It had been a long time since he was last in Gotham. With so many clients, Danny was use to traveling and never seeing the same city more than once. The boy brushed some dirt off of his suit made of Kevlar and Nth metal. "Well, guess it's time to stop lounging around and head over to these coordinates." He shifted his body slightly and dropped off the roof, grabbing a jutting brick of the wall just before hitting the ground. With that Danny let go of the brick and softly landed in a dark alleyway. He liked snaking through alley's when he was in large cities. It allowed him to stay mostly out of sight and when there were bad guys hiding in them, it gave Danny the chance to beat in a few heads along the way. As he quietly made his way to his destination, Deathstroke heard some voice's and a scream around the corner in front of him. He stopped and pressed up against the wall next to his, slowly sliding down to the corner and peering around. There in a large open alley there were four men dressed in baggy clothes and bandanna wrapped around there arms with a symbol on it. Probably signifying they were a part of a gang or group, although Danny didn't recognize the symbol. The men were surrounding two unarmed women. They were brutally kicking them and yelling some nonsense about talking back to them. The boy shook his head, [i]Well, looks like some one needs a lesson in how to treat others.[/i] He thought to himself as he quickly dashed forward and knocked one of the men out with a savage strike to the temple. He stood menacingly over the unconscious thug and looked over at the remaining three, "Didn't anyone teach you how to treat women?" A large amount of sarcasm could be heard in his voice. "Didn't anyone tell you it's not Halloween freak?!" One of the men yelled and threw a punch and Deathstroke, who quickly grabbed the thugs hand mid punch. Danny shook his head slightly, "You know, that hurts. I've spent a lot of time on this suit and I think it deserves the proper respect." He slowly squeezed the hand, snapping and cracking could be heard. Suddenly, as all this was happening, the other two thugs tried to jump the boy. Danny, still squeezing the now screaming man's hand, twisted around, swinging his leg in the air and kicking both men in the face, which threw them a few feet away. "Hey now, daddy and mommy are talking." He turned his attention back to the thug who's hand he was crushing. The boy pretended to look at a watch on his free hands wrist, "Oh, look at the time. It's past your bed time mister." And with that, Deathstroke quickly slammed his elbow into the thugs head, knocking him out. Danny turned to the women on the floor. "You ladies better get yourselves to safety before these brutes get back up." Without hesitation the two ladies got up and darted out of the alley. Nodding his head at the four unconscious men he left the alley with one last comment, "You kids get some sleep now."