Still have to work on Brief Bio, but just curious if there's even any chance of this passing. I can understand if his abilities need to be dialed down. [center][url=][img=][/url][/center] [i][*][b]Appearance:[/b][/*] In a word? Massive. At slightly over 10’ tall (3.1m), nearly 6’ (1.8m) broad at the shoulders, and with an arm length of 7' (2.1m) Eise’s appearance reflects his original purpose. Namely something not to be trifled with lightly. His mechanical hands are huge, with the longest fingers nearly 2’ (.66m). Despite a design similar to a gorilla’s, Eise is nonetheless able to walk around like a regular human would. More often than not though, he also uses his hands as to better distribute his weight. Several tons on only two feet is more than enough to break through floors or ruin roads. [*][b]Name:[/b][/*] Eise Herze [*][b]Age:[/b][/*] ??? [*][b]Gender:[/b][/*] Doesn’t really have one, but masculine. [*][b]Race:[/b][/*] Artificial Golem [*][b]Personality[/b]:[/*] Eise can be described as cocksure, even if he isn’t a very vocal individual. It’s not his status as a Golem, but rather the strength that comes alongside it that gives him the confidence. As previously mentioned Eise doesn’t speak much, preferring not to as his voice is very mechanical and even stilted at times, but can be very expressive for what was once a mindless construct. Scoffing or flicking dismissively are some common gestures one might expect, alongside incredulous tilts of the head, a lack of care, and bored expressions. Despite that, he isn’t all annoyance to deal with. Either as a result of some remnants of programming or simply his personality, Eise is can be a fairly protective individual. And despite it being his source of confidence, he’ll never belittle someone’s lack thereof. Their stupidity, recklessness, or whatever other factor made them in need of rescue is certainly fair game though. [*][b]Brief Backstory:[/b][/*] Forged by a Singularity innumerable years in the past, ever since its creator's fall from their Pantheon the golem has been inactive. Without a flow of energy from its master, the golem's own core was enough to sustain the barest minimum of activity to keep itself from completely shutting down, yet little more than that. Life does work in strange ways though, and as more and more years passed the thrum of this creation's "heart" only grew stronger and more vibrant rather than duller and weak. Eventually it reached such a point that, with a blinding burst of light, the golem reawakened itself as magic surged through ancient veins long deprived. Its directives long eroded and without a creator to serve, the golem did something unthinkable. It mused on its situation, pondering what to do next with sentience that should not have existed. It seemed that the long years had not only strengthened the core, but formed a mind that simply needed to be jolted awake. Eventually though, the golem fashioned a name for itself and left the tome of its long dead creator behind. No longer shackled nor chained, it hadn't fallen like the creator's other creations for some reason, so it would find its own purpose now. [*][b]Abilites:[/b][/*] As an Artificial Golem, Eise isn’t really susceptible to the requirements creatures of flesh have. Sleep or sustenance aren't required, and he doesn't seem to require any maintenance to function either. Incredibly durable and capable of great feats of strength, there’s few creatures of his size that could match Eise in strength. Powered by magic, he has a lot of energy in reserve but can be costly (in terms of time and/or requirements) to recharge fully. Designed for combat, there were certain safety features implemented during Eise’s creation. Firstly, his body is made out of a special alloy that has the property of absorbing magic and using it to supercharge the material. Normal supply is not enough to activate this special property, but provides enough for function. During combat, excess is bled off after being rendered inert, though this can be overwhelmed. Nonetheless, this means that Eise has a fairly hefty degree of magic resistance. In addition to this, despite never intending for it to develop a mind, the creator imbued Eise with various protections against magic and abilities that would affect the golem’s control system. These have shifted over to Eise’s “mind” and render him resistant to abilities that would affect the mind such as spells that might induce emotion or simply mind control. Normally Eise cannot really move faster than a human when travelling which, considering his larger size, is rather bad. In short bursts, like a combat situation though, he's capable of launching himself into motion at speeds that surprise opponents. Granted he's not able to maintain this speed for more than a second or so, but it can easily allow him to close a gap of about a dozen meters. [*][b]Equipment, Items, and Other Belongings on Hand:[/b][/*] A money pouch that’s rather full with valuable gems and minerals. It’s easier for him to keep track of than the various currencies used in the world. A massive wooden bo staff about 3m in length and 1.5 inches in diameter. He keeps it around mostly for when he just wants to injure or incapacitate. While capable of doing so unarmed, massive metal fists generally do much more damage than the staff. It does look a bit strange when held given how fragile it looks in comparison to his body. [*][b]Miracles:[/b] [/*] A Quest for You. A Miracle that empowers those affected as long as they stride towards the goal given by Eise. Currently the boosts manifests itself as a slight increase in both physical and mental capabilities. “Quest takers” don’t become superhuman, but perform marginally better while under its effects. The Divinity cost is not a one time thing with this Miracle though as it drains Eise’s reserves for as long as active. Clear your Head. A Miracle that imposes a mental time out on those affected. It disconnects them from the physical realm (senses are cut off as well) and allows them the time to freely think and sort out their thoughts and feelings. In the “real” world the effect is essentially instantaneous, but grants up to five minutes of time in the affected mind. [*][b]Domains:[/b][/*] Purpose. Tranquility. [/i]