Gio was standing outside the convention, holding his Storm Bolter in the hand without the claw. Sighing, he looked at his "bountiful" loot. A plastic bag full of t-shirts of games he didn't care about and an un-painted single "Thousands Sons" chaos space marine from a pitiful player. Putting his claw in his forehead, he cursed at himself for losing so many games. Gio walked around the convention, seeing a couple of parked cars on the streets. People wandering out of people. "Stranglers" he muttered under his breath. 'Maybe he should just head home' he started thinking 'Taking the bus sounds goo'- "SHOTGUN!". Jolting out of his boots he looks to the source of the noise and see's a few cosplayers walking towards a truck. Bayonetta, Gaara and...... That sonuvabitch. "RICHARD, My main man!" Gio started running towards one of the many people that beat him in today's convention.