[b]Appearance:[/b] [img=http://cache.desktopnexus.com/thumbnails/1539110-bigthumbnail.jpg] [b]Name:[/b] Di Sangue, Gabriel [b]Date of Birth:[/b] Unknown [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Age:[/b] 16 [b]Other Stuff:[/b] Height: 180cm (6 foot) Weight: 78 kg (171 pounds) Blood Type: AB- [b]Personality:[/b] Gabriel is often found alone in the dark, but he is in fact an extrovert. He always carries around a handheld umbrella and he also always has a spare blood bag for emergencies (you’ll see why later). He is the thinking type as he is most often thinking to himself and observing his surroundings. He’ll make some careful observation before speaking up in a group. He can't do outdoor sports and is bad at indoor sports because he never did sports in general. Instead he usually tries to find a dark place to sit in and observe people from. If he's not doing that he usually goes and studies stuff about blood and biology. He dislikes the fact that he's tall because it puts him closer to the sun and its harder to find clothing that covers him fully because he's that tall. [b]History:[/b] [hider=This is long]It is unknown when Gabriel was born. His parents disappeared at an uncertain time leaving behind a mystery. Gabriel as a baby was found when police were called to investigate his home. No one had known he was born yet and the reason police were called to investigate was because a young couple living there hadn’t been seen coming out in many weeks. What they found there was Gabriel. The house itself was somewhat dusty, as if someone hadn’t cleaned it in a long time. However, they could hear the crying of a baby somewhere inside the house. Tracking the sound to the bathroom, they opened it to find an extremely strange sight. A baby was crying while floating in a bathtub almost completely full of blood. The rest of the bathroom was completely spotless, and the origin of the blood could not be deduced. Later blood tests revealed that it was the blood of the woman who had been living there, and a blood test from the infant revealed that he was her son. Where the mother or father was, or how the blood came to be there was completely unknown. The case was ruled as a disappearance as no bodies had been retrieved so it wasn’t a murder or suicide but the parents were nowhere to be found. Since there was no one to care for the baby as the couple didn’t seem to have any relatives or friends for that matter, the child was sent to an orphanage. The child seemed to be normal, and was later adopted by a renowned Geneticist and a Forensic analyst. He was raised as a fairly normal boy albeit in a very scientific environment. However, things changed when he turned 10 years old. When he was 10 years old, he went outside one day to play as usual. However, he suddenly fell to the ground, his skin seemingly burning and had to be taken back inside. When taken to doctors, he was diagnosed with Porphyria, or Vampire Disease. Simply put, Vampire Disease is caused by an error in the heme production in the cells which carry oxygen to blood. The symptoms include aversion to sunlight, skin blistering and necrosis when exposed to sunlight. The symptoms can be temporarily alleviated by getting healthy heme into the blood stream. Healthy heme is most often found in healthy blood, so to alleviate the symptoms, one with Porphyria can either inject themselves with healthy blood or simply ingest it. The gums also recede and make the teetch look like fangs. Since it is actually rather difficult to get your hands on healthy blood unless you really need it, Gabriel resorted to covering almost all of his body with clothing and using an umbrella to block out sunlight when he needs to go outside. The disease was peculiar, though. As it is known to be caused by a genetic mutation but when his father studied his DNA, he could find no such trace of the mutation. Due to the fact that most other children didn’t exactly understand it at the time, Gabriel spent a lot of time at home studying and learning from what his parents did. It was at this time that he discovered a second unusual trait. When his mother was studying a certain blood sample, Gabriel was curious and asked about the basics of blood. His mother told him about the basic blood types, and showed him some from her collection, telling him which blood type was which and that it was difficult to distinguish between them. The next day brought something unexpected. That night, his mother brought in several blood samples and to her surprise, he could tell what type each blood sample was when they were brought in front of him. The brought many different samples and he could identify them all with 100% accuracy. When asked how he could do this, he simply said, “They feel different.” When he was asked to explain it, he just said: “I don’t know how I know, they just feel different.” His ability was tested by his parents and found to be completely accurate regardless of what was in the blood. He was even able to correctly identify the blood type in a sample of only 1% blood. However, one day he discovered an extra feature of his ability in a way he didn’t expect. One day when testing his ability again, his parents left a sample of blood in a vial on the table. The blood had belonged to a woman who was recently deceased, it had been taken before his death. Gabriel didn’t know what the sample was or what it was for, but for whatever reason, he felt a compulsion to drink the blood. As it was simply left on the tabletop, he picked it up, uncorked the lid and drank the blood. After he did so, he immediately dropped the vial and it shattered on the ground. His parents immediately asked him what was wrong. “The woman that this blood was from…” He said quietly. “She died didn’t she?” His parents were obviously confused. He said he drank the blood and suddenly he knew who it was from and that the person was in fact dead. They didn’t understand how he was able to find out from ingesting the blood sample but they did know it was probably a good idea to keep it a secret until they could understand it better. Eventually, the family got used to it but Gabriel’s unusual talents were never forgotten.[/hider] [b]Subjects:[/b] Biology, Alchemy, Magic, Psychology, Exorcism, Assassination [b]Preferred Housing:[/b] Anywhere which has good shade so he doesn't have to worry about sunlight when in the dorm. [b]Unique Factor:[/b] <> Gabriel’s unique factor allows him to have a ‘sense’ for blood. Based on the feeling he gets from blood, he can gain a lot of information from it such as its blood type, how old it is, abnormalities and other things just by focusing on the specific feeling. He can feel blood through any surface, including human bodies and even steel walls. The ability only works up to a range of 50m and anything after that and he can’t sense it. If he is in contact with the blood, he can tell how it came to be there and how much of it he is in contact with among other things. If he ingests the blood, then he can tell the current status of the blood’s owner and he becomes aware of the feeling of that person’s blood when he focuses on it to an indefinite range. Also, if he focuses on the blood he is ingesting, then he can also detect the feelings the person had when the blood left their body. The ability works on any kind of blood, and is accurate on an unknown level. Gabriel has even trained it so that he can feel how blood is moving inside a person’s body and how it flows into more specific parts if he focuses hard.