Rofls, Drawings means I do not want images of real life people. I prefer visualizing 2d characters and anime designs are right up my alley hence the [anime] in the interest check. The Unique Factor should have its own name and a short description about it. [hider=Hiiro Furuta][b]ID Image:[/b] [img=] [b]Name:[/b] Furuta, Hiiro [b]Date of Birth:[/b] 5 December 1995 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Personality:[/b] +Pragmatic +Confident +Assertive +Meticulous +Witty +Realist [b]History:[/b] With his «Artistic Mimicry», Hiiro was hailed as a child prodigy in the world of fine arts. The ability first surfaced when he was 8 his parents were quick to monetize it when they discovered the value of their child. His ability to critic artwork was top notch and also possessed the ability emulate the abilities of those who he had synced with. Driven mad by money, his parents no longer saw him as their child but a money making tool. He despised it and caused a huge commotion when he proclaimed he would be going on hiatus when he was 13. He escaped away from his parents to stay with his aunt who was against the behaviour his parents were showing. Hiiro received the invitation to Zandore's Boarding Academy in his second year of college. Although skeptical, he accepted it to reduce the financial burden on his aunt as well as ensuring she would live a good life once he graduated. He decided he would stop running from the world of fine arts. [b]Subject:[/b] Alchemy, Magic, Art and Music appreciation. [b]Preferred Housing:[/b] Academia [b]Unique Factor:[/b] «Artistic Mimicry». When viewing a work of art, Hiiro is able to sync with the 'soul' of the artwork, allowing to not only grasp the emotions and feelings of the artist but their very being. It does not matter what form it holds; pottery, paintings, statues and even architecture, Hiiro is able understand the artist. He also possess the ability to emulate them, using the skills of those he has synced with.[/hider] Midori, do you mind elaborating more on your Unique Factor? To what degree is Kimiko a prodigy? Other than that, I see no problems with the CS, I love the prosthetic legs idea!