"Nah, you answer to [i]me[/i] even if you do join -- got it, Kid?" Jun said, not particularly caring whether Magrus was listening or not. He had to assert dominance over the brat [i]somehow[/i]. "Money isn't an issue... My uncle left me enough so that I could survive. That being said, if my tabs at the bar were free I would be [i]most[/i] appreciative." Without any modesty whatsoever, Jun began to layer the Fire Nation uniform over his vest while shaking his head at the now-occupied bushes. "Manipulating? Me?" he said with mock innocence. "Kid wants to do what's right, just like I did when I was his age. If you don't give them an opportunity they don't go anywhere -- [i]or[/i], when they do fight, they're get destroyed." He peered at Magrus and his morose expression for a second more, staying awkwardly silent. Emotions weren't a thing for him. "Fine. HEY, KID! HURRY UP SO YOU CAN GET A VERY SERIOUS TALK!" ----- Suyin turned back for a moment to block an incoming shard of rock with her plated gauntlet, bruising the knuckles underneath. "Sen! Run ahead and get the door!" she barked out, the swift chi blocker following her directions immediately. Lee ran further ahead, picking up the lid of a barrel at the side of the room only to return to use it as a makeshift shield. [i]Thank Agni for small mercies,[/i] she thought as rocks ricocheted against the swordsman's barrier. After launching a knife at the chest of the closest pirate other than the captain, who would be able to block it easily, she continued, "Ran! Any water left? We need some [i]ice[/i] if you can manage it! Slippery when wet!" In the same panicked breath, she shouted for, "Falco! Do what you do best!" Now was not the time to blush. Now having made a bit of space between the pirates, Lee returned to the back of the group and let his allies run past him. His sword lashed out and sliced one of the pirates across the chest, prompting Suyin to shout, "Idiot! Hurry up!" Lee darted back to the group, his arm torn up by another pirate's scimitar but smiling goofily.