[b][u]Name:[/b][/u] Zernebog (call him pengu) [b][u]Gender:[/b][/u] Male [b][u]Age:[/b][/u] Unknown [b][u]Race:[/b][/u] Half-Penguin [b][u]Appearance:[/b][/u] Zernebog is half penguin. He has a suit and a tie on his body and wears black gloves, but his head is undoubtedly a penguin. He's fairly tall, 6 foot, 2 inches and is thin. [b][u]Personality:[/b][/u] Somewhat level headed, usually calm. Likes fish. Sometimes tries to break the ice and fails because he's usually serious. [b][u]Brief Backstory:[/b][/u] One day, a penguin, starving, cold. Walking along the ice, looking for food. But what food would there be in the cold wasteland? The lone penguin walked the wastes. Walking, and walking, and walking. As the penguin walked, he came across corpses of his brethren, exiled, like him. As he walked past the long dead skeletons of his friends and family, he realised something. He realised that all things must come to an end, that all things die. Like the titanic ice caps adorning his ancestral home, melting into small glaciers over the centuries. He received a stunning revelation in his darkest hour. And then he died. All things must end, and his life was no exception. Or, it shouldn't have been. One day, the penguin woke up, a man. And he was a god. His revelation had ascended his mortal form and he became a man with a penguin head. A minor god. And, now unaffected by the freezing winds and in no need of sustenance, the penguin man began his journey to find out how exactly he came to be a god. [b][u]Abilities:[/b][/u] He's naturally resistant to cold and normal cold weather conditions and natural blizzards don't bother him. He's stopped being able to digest so he doesn't eat and he doesn't need to. That said, he's susceptible to heat. He can manipulate ice and create it to a certain degree, mainly using his cleverness with his ice powers to fight. He has relatively minor entropic powers and can speed up the process of decomposition. It takes a while, though. He can also reverse entropy to a degree, but that usually brings on unintended results. [b][u]Equip:[/b][/u] [u]Chaos blade[/u] The chaos blade is a blade made out of pure entropic energy which is capable of cutting apart most things using entropy. Eventually, if Zernebog becomes more powerful, it will be able to annihilate anything made of matter. Maybe. It takes the form of a light-saber like blade and has a 10% chance of not activating when he tries to activate it. [u]Suit[/u] The suit is like a regular black suit with a white dress shirt and doesn't provide any defence benefits. However, any damage dealt to it will disappear slowly, including stains. The same cannot be said for pengu himself, as the suit provides no defence benefits. Pengu can't take off the suit and no one knows what's under it. Not even him. [u]Lucky Fish[/u] A fish given to him by his sister when they parted ways back when he was a mortal penguin. Doesn't do anything, but it doesn't rot either. You can eat it, though it doesn't do anything. [b][u]Miracles:[/b][/u] [u]Icy Entropy[/u] A single target slowly freezes, loses health and becomes slower as they are affected by this miracle. Eventually, the target will freeze completely (5 minutes) and the frozen person will slowly grind away into nothing (1 hour). Pengu can affect more targets as he gains more power and the entropic power goes against all odds and is not affected by weather conditions. Heat applied to the target will slow the effect. If the target is set on fire, the effect is negated. If the person is unfrozen during the disintegration period, they suffer no loss of limbs as long as the disintegration hasn't consumed 50% of their boy mass. Duration: 1 hour. [u]Fish summon[/u] When this miracle is used on a patch of water, that patch of water grows abundant with fish. The area of effect gets larger as pengu gains more power. However, there is a 10% chance that the fish will die and rot extremely quickly once the duration of the miracle is over. Duration: 30 minutes. [b][u]Domains:[/b][/u] Ice, Entropy