Warmongerers / Military Production: 1 Scientists / Research Income: 10 Theologians / Faith Income: 4 [b]Race Name[/b] Rerans [b]Name of Faction:[/b] The Reran Federation [b]Government Structure[/b] Position in the the Reran Government is based off two things, contribution to the Federation as a whole as well as your level of intelligence. The leaders at the top have often made great contributions in the forms of advancing science and technology, as well as being vastly intelligent compared to the rest of the Rerans. The Government does have pretty much authority to do whatever they please, as if they were totalitarian. However this is rarely used, as the ideals of freedom and liberty have prevailed in Reran Society. [b]Race Biology[/b] The Rerans are a physically frail race, the strongest not even reaching what could be considered average for a human. This does come with the advantage that however they are extremely intelligent, with even the most dumb of Revans still being what most races would consider above average. Their intelligence is often what most contribute to their quick rise technologically and socially. Rerans are humanoid in appearance, having the standard two legs, two arms, two eyes, and a single mouth and nose. However unlike most other races their noses are two slits in their face, rather than cartilage projecting outwards. A Reran’s skin color is either a light blue or a yellow-green, hair and eyes can be anywhere within the visible spectrum, leading to some truly weird hair colors. Reran’s reach an average height that is a few inches below a human. Rerans breathe a similar atmospheric combination to humans, as well as having a similar required temperature. [b]Cultural History:[/b] Rerans heavily believe in the progress of science and society forward, and are also heavily passionate about working together as a whole for the good of all Rerans and the ideals of Unity and Equality. Their belief in the progress forward of science has lead them to sometimes abandon certain ethics to continue on the march of science, leading the Rerans to explore some questionable areas of science. Their belief in Equality has lead to having a no-discrimination policy very early on in their history, and females have never been forced into gender roles or discriminated against. Their ideals of Unity also lead to a society that works together really well, and as helped avoid conflict between Rerans in the past. The Rerans also believe in peace, and rather than accomplishing it via force they believe it should be done through mutual cooperation. Despite this however the Rerans are not afraid to fight, and will often use their advanced technology as truly destructive weapons. Their religion is a bit odd, they believe that their is some type of higher power but that he does not intervene in the affairs of the universe. Rather the best way to discover him and the truth to all things is marching forward science and progress. The current culture currently exists due in part to their intelligence, and as a natural evolution of it. The current Reran Government as well as past Reran nations before they become the united Reran Federation today heavily reinforced the ideals everywhere, leading to it to become the dominant culture of the Rerans. [b]Social Structure[/b] The Rerans do not really have a caste or class system like many other species, rather everyone is considered equal, and to get farther in society, you need to make great contributions and have a great intelligence. [b] Reaction to Aliens[/b] Ever since the Rerans first entered the gate they have theorized about the possibility of other sentient species. Their main reaction is to hold position and attempt to establish a line of communication, via translating the alien’s language or space charades. After this they try to discover as much about them as possible, and attempt peaceful relations. [b]Having never seen a starry sky, write a first hand account of your race's explorer's reaction to seeing the densely packed vastness near the galactic core upon passing through the gate[/b] [hider=What Lies beyond the Gate] The small silver frigate approached the gate, preparing to enter it. The Eve of Discovery has many prominent scientists were saying it was, that there could possibly be something beyond their tiny little solar system that lays in the vast void that is space. News show had been going on for hours, saying that this could either make or break the Reran Federation. The crew aboard the frigate made the final preparations, as it entered the looming gate. What they saw was both amazing and terrifying to them. Those bright dots, though the captain, what could they be? As scans kicked in and revealed their nature, that they were not unlike the own ball of hydrogen that they orbited, they realized that they had made a truly amazing discovery. The crew was in awe of the sight, thinking about what rested at each of those tiny little points of light, what mysteries laid in wait for them to discover Scientists aboard the frigate been hurrying about as they analyzed all of the data they were gathering. They were more excited than a tiny human in a candy store, excited about the new discoveries. Excited to be the first scientists to witness this truly amazing discovery. Today was truly a Eve of Discovery. [/hider] Is done, however I did notice that non of the techs have cost values attached.