WIP [Center] - Name - Athreos - Age - Unknown - Gender - Male - Race - Humanoid God? - Appearance - [IMG]http://i.imgur.com/Qx47Qbg.jpg?1[/IMG] - Personality - - Brief Backstory - - Abilites - What your Godling can do without using their Miracles, which can include magical abilities, supernatural martial arts, or psychic powers. - Equipment, Items, and Other Belongings on Hand - - Miracles - Something that only Gods can do, which rely on how much Divinity you have accrued through monster slaying, worshipper gaining, magic draining, and so on. The stronger the Miracle, the more you need to give out and your reserves shrink so you'll have to fill it up again if you want to use these world warping powers. Miracles are also based on your godling's Domain, as the closer it is to your domain, the easier it is to use. An example would be a Battle God having a miracle that can instantly turn a bunch of conscripts into a finely tuned super army in the span of a single day rather than a few months or God of the Forge easily creating sentient super powerful weapons from ordinary materials. The more powerful the Miracles performed, the more reserves are drained. Everyone gets two in the beginning and as the rp goes on, you can create more. - Domains - The Sun and the Forge [/Center]