Setting: The year is 2222, and the world is now condensed into one city. Located in what used to be the Midwest of the United States of America, the domed ‘utopia’ is secure. Within, artificial food is creating using 3D printers and labs to feed what is left of humanity. Most people get around on hoverbikes or hovercars, though many people still walk to get around as such tech is still expensive. One technology that has been made available to the common man is androids. To get a feel for the androids, here is a video to give you an idea of what we’re going for: [url=]video[/url]. Think futuristic society, advanced tech, but people in general are relatively the same personality wise. Plot: The idea is to play people from within the city mainly, that begin to learn of the society outside the walls thanks to one who is called The Hacker (played by a GM). The Hacker has been transmitting messages secretly, exposing secrets, and trying to open peoples’ eyes for a couple years now. You can play someone within the city that is angry at the government or a company and is trying to get back at them for whatever reason. Someone who is working for a corporation or the government or police force, etc. and is completely loyal and will try and stop people from leaving. Someone from the outside who is surviving but barely, and finds The Hacker (note: we will probably accepts no more than 1 of these to start, and if other roles fill up then possibly 2). Or you could be what’s rumored to be a ‘feeling’ android (note: this is still a rarity, but becoming more common). An android who has ‘malfunctioned’ and begun to feel emotions. If an android is found out to feel emotions, it is destroyed. So the ones that can feel, often don’t reveal it. The idea is that eventually, a war will occur once those who wish to rebel gain enough traction to irk those who are loyal to the city for all it has done for people. We would ideally like all those with a grudge against the city, or those who wish to play out a grudge against the city during the RP, to find a way outside it creatively, and find The Hacker, or she will find you. Then a rebel force is created that could possibly stand a chance. Don’t let this dissuade you from creating a loyal member of society either though, as they honestly stand a better chance of winning anyway so it would make more sense for people to be on their side. Anyone interested?