[b]Name:[/b] Ken Kai [b]Age:[/b] 25 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Race:[/b] Human [b]Appearance:[/b] [img=http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2014/323/d/d/placeholder_by_whitepulse43-d86yeew.png] Place Holder(will be updated) [b]Personality:[/b] Ken Is an honest and naive to the fault person who get's frustrated rather easily with lack of any kind of progress and is willing to try anything to improve. He can be a bit short tempered with often resulted him into brawls with other students who mocked his lack of talent. [b]Brief Backstory:[/b] Ken Kai is a practicioner of Artic Tiger Fist Style from Xun's Region. Unfortunately lacking the skill for some reason to master the style he feels great frustration. since he often ended up into brawls with bullies he has learned to be better at brawling than martial arts, but does not stop him from learning eagerly. [b]Abilites:[/b] Currently lacking any other super natural ability except basic use of Ki/chakra/ Energy use in basic martial arts. Basic knowledge of "Arctic Tiger Fist" Style but no skill to use it. good brawling skills. [b]Equipment, Items, and Other Belongings on Hand:[/b] Common Arctic Tiger style prayer amulet which has a slight similarity to cross but also similar to prayer bead some manner. each part of the amulet containing letter that describes the Balance of the Style. Each style practicer has also given a pair of braces on each arm as training tool for getting attune to energies at the tart of training. [b]Miracles:[/b] Healing Alcohol, An alcohol that heals wounds but can still make drunk. [b]Domains:[/b] Battles and Celebrations