[First Post] Sir William of Dahken (5) Power( 3) Production(1) Influence(3) Charm(2) The streets were alive with the sound of gunfire, William and the newly created platoon he sarcastically dubbed "Jarvas' Honor" were pinned down in a shop for a training exercise, peaking his head out a shop window William took the situation in, another platoon of enemies had them pinned down, but their position could be flanked. "Easy squad, hit the back door and go around in that toon in the tail. The rest of you provide covering fire." William shouted, Easy squad did as they were told and went the long way around and ended up behind the enemy, who could either hold position or rush into the street, both were detrimental to their health. They took the latter option to try to find a new batch of cover but they were gunned down before they could even move to a new position. "Clear." William shouted, Easy squad answered back and they moved out of the shop. They secured the rest of the fake practice street and set up a watch, and they waited William knew at some point the enemy would come through here at some point. What came next nobody wanted but they had been training for this moment. "We got a war machine Inbound." A soldier shouted before hopping down from his watch post, the war machine was a basic Malka walker, something a newly anointed knight would be in, nothing like The Judge or any higher up Knights machine, apparently pillar Dahken had a few lying around for practice. "You know the drill." William shouted and they did they were already in position, a thin but powerful wire stretched out in the mechs path, when the mech hit it, it fell and fell hard, the next part was storming the back hatch and spraying the pilot inside with a volley of paint rounds. After that process was done the order came through from on high that the "Enemy surrendered." and just like that Sir Williams company won. Enemy losses 110 out of 135, William's platoon inflicting 40% of those losses, William's losses 27 out of 135, and those were mostly in parts where Jarvas' Honor could not reach. Training had paid off and if that wasn't enough William payed both the militia and bought them new equipment so that if Pillar Malka did decide to attack they would be in for a treat, something they would never forget. After training, William grabbed his data pad and read over the messages he had missed. Lady Kat offering her help to William was nice, but he would not need Biosynths in the militia, not after the way both sides had trained and shown how well they performed. Training over the last season had been intense, due to Jarvas poking at William who after his comment at the last meeting drove him to run the militia through the ringer, there were rumors that some died in the training but those were only rumors and if some did die during training it was because they were weak and needed to culled out anyways. The next message was about the arena and how it had reopened. William smiled and sent a message to the arena master about wanting to join the games, he could use the winnings to better provide for the militia and the council, and sent a reply to Lady Kat's message. [Hider=To Lady Katherine] Dear Lady Katherine Thank you for your concern Lady Katherine and your charity to the militia will not be forgotten, but after looking over the training and the progress the militia has made over the last few weeks, I believe that your biosynths will not be needed. But if you know someone who can provide the militia with better armaments, for a cheaper price that would be greatly appreciated. Also I regret to inform you i will not be able to join you in watching the games. Sir William Of Dahken. [/hider] [hider=Message to the Arena master] Dear Sir and or Madame I Sir William of Dahken, wish to participate in the fights, as long as the cut is good. I promise i will put on a show the crowd will never forget, in addition to this who doesn't want to see someone from the council put their life on the line to entertain the people. Just send me a list of what is fair and what is not fair in these fights and i will be happy to oblige. Thank you Sir William of Dahken [/hider] [Hider=Asset Spending] Buying better arms for the Militia (2 Assets) Militia pay (2 Assets) Make sure Jarvas get's the receipt (0 Assets) Arena contestant entry fee (1 Asset) [/hider]