[u]November the Second, 1857, 9:25 AM.[/u] As the carriage ran down the street, the district was getting poorer. At first, near Sir George's house, The people were normal. Walking on the sidewalks on a nice Wednesday stroll. As the Trio got closer and closer to Watchmakers Hill, the people turned to beggars on the street, begging for a coin or two. The houses were run down, and sickness was almost everywhere. The Park was a normal park. It had four pathways all converging to one spot in the middle. A metal bench lay in the middle of the path, The Game Master's latest victim sat on the bench. His head was missing and was replaced by a smile-carved pumpkin, a bottle of gin lay in one hand and a note addressed to Scotland Yard lay in the other. Near him was a small campsite, with a wooden crate, slightly charred. The trees had no leaves, as if a grounds keeper had come and taken them away. Once they arrived at the scene, Constable Grayson stopped talking to one of the constables, and turned to the carriage. He walked over as the trio hopped out of the carriage. "Constable Grayson, Head of Investigation." he said, offering a hand to Sir George. "Thank you Mr. Grayson.", said George and accepted the helping hand with a little restrain. He hated to be reminded of his disability. He saw the victim, it looked horrible. Why always a pumpkin? "Give me everything you have about the victim. Everything!",Grayson handed Geogre the wallet that he was given by another constable. "This is all we found on the man. Nothing else. Unless you call those rags they call clothing." George examined the wallet and gave it to Henry, then he walked closer to the corpse. No doubt the game master, the pumpkin, the letter it was his signature. "Where is the head? Has anyone found the head? Find me that head, constable!",One of the Constables looks up from his papers and runs off. George looked to his new partners. "Any ideas from your side? Anything at all?" Analise removed her hand from her lips, lowering it slowly as George asked them what they had came up with. No matter how many victims they had seen, it always was a bit of shock when you got to seem them up close and personal. Ana walked up to the victim in slow strides, crouching down to investigate the victims surroundings. George had told her not to touch anything quite yet, but her fingers brushing against the man's leg as she stood up was enough for the woman to get a connection to the victim. With her two hands outstretched her grey eyes begin to roll backwards as the whites protruded, indicating the beginning of the transition. Suddenly the world of the dead came into view. The park began to dissolve into nothingness. The Man who was murdered was staring at his body, which was on the metal bench. Even though the park had disappeared to Ana, the bench was still there. The Man looked very confused. "Don't be alarmed." Ana cooed softly, as the man looked around. "Who.. W-what? Where am I? Did.. Did I die? Are you an angel?" The Man looked at Ana with a scared look on his face. "Help me" Analise's crimson lips parted in a small laugh, "Some call me an angel, but it's not my official title." her smile dropped slightly as she nodded towards man, and his multiple questions. "Yes, you have died my friend, you have been murdered. That is why I am here, to help you." she stepped closer to the man, her smile returning, "If you help me, I can help you." "But what do you need my help with?" the ghost asked "How could I even help you? I'm just a useless drunkard, in life and in death" the man then pulled a bottle of gin out of his pocket and took a long swig from it. "Gin huh?" Analise commented on the man's choice of drink. "I'd much rather have rum really" the ghost admitted "I reminds me of my days in the navy, before every thing went down hill" the ghost then looked down at the ground and said "But I can't afford rum now. Hell, I only managed to find this bottle of gin on the streets somewhere". "The nice thing about being down the hill is you can only go up from there." Ana commented, trying to be as gentle as she could towards the shaken man. "I really do need your help sweetheart." she mentioned again, "You can help me by telling me all that you remember about last night, starting from the moment you went towards the campsite." she stated, looking at the man. "Well," he began "I remember a drink. I found my bottle of Gar-bage over a few blocks down. I stumbled into this park, finding those rocks. I had a crate with me, but no matches to my name. I could not start a fire. I was so cold. I sat down, taking a few more swigs of Gar-bage. Thats when I saw a man in an overcoat, and a top hat. The man you are looking for, I guess. He came to me and said 'I guess I'll have to make do with you tonight'. Then I saw a glint of something metallic, he began laughing maniacally, and I guess that's when I died. I was floating here, watching him do something to the area. It looked like witch-craft if you ask me. Then a young man ran by, trying to catch up with him. Then I was next thing I know, the coppers show up, and then you came. That's my story, and I'm sticking to it." Ana nodded along to the man's story. Her facial expression, sympathetic but very steady as the man told her the details of his night. She made the mental points in her head to be able to recall them to her team when she would return back into the real world. Her knees began feeling a bit weak, the cue that her time in this world was almost up. "Thank you." she said to the man, her hand reaching up and touching his shoulder softly, "You may have just saved another man's life, be proud of yourself, and climb your way up that hill." she encouraged him, as the area began to disappear around her. Soon the world she was just in faded into nothing as the real world came into vibrant color and view. Stumbling only slightly, Analise was back in the real world with answers for the team. "What where you doing? Ana?", George gripped Ana's arm, "Next time ask for permission. We need to focus."