explaining would ruin the fun for me, just fall in if you get it with a CS below / IC around 5 players // you can always join [s]*when[/s] keep your cs in a spoiler every post/signature for reference for others name . guru age . millenia , appears twentyone however gear . dusty brown slippers +85 moxie fancy socks +80 style 80 comfort worn cotton sweatpants +120 comfort *[b]warm[/b] +80 comfort black t shirt +100 style *hydrated awards [b]finesse[/b] smoky jacket +99 attributes ray bans +1 style *hydrated grants [b]threeeyedvision[/b] with [b]divinepower[/b] active unkempt hair -1 ego *hydrated blissed' [b]clearthoughts[/b] with [b]divinepower[/b] active old beanie +5 protection fossil watch set one-minute early imbued with [b]punctuality[/b] ancient medallion +100 wisdom journal +0 *ether granted [b]divine power[/b] **see divinepower [b]divinepower[/b] [s]supreme logic, wholeness[/s] ether [i]passive[/i] 5 deep breaths for [b]universalconnection[/b] **see universalconnection [b]universalconnection[/b]highly advanced fiber optics hydrated [i]passive[/i] intake water for energy / low water causes [b][i]dehydration[/b][/i] warm [i]conditional passive[/i] [b]mastertechnique[/b] when in a pleasing environment enhance comfort levels *highresistance to [b]cold[/b] finesse [i]passive+blacktshirt[/i] +100 flow +100 elegance clearthoughts [i]active[/i] egoless thought thirdeeeyevision [i]active[/i] become your mind's eye ... if interested drop a post -Guru ps . just wanted to say i hate QQ code, look ha it's crying on it's own Q.Q more