Maintaining her stance and her tight hold on Principale's grip, Joscelin glanced around with only her eyes as an array of colorful characters continued to congregate on the man and his captive. It seemed she was far from the only one in this city that had an unhealthy tendency to run in the [i]opposite[/i] direction of large crowds of screaming people. her internal musings were interrupted as the action suddenly seemed to pick up, a girl that looked somehow even younger than her firing two crossbow bolts at the same time that an absolutely massive man suddenly charged at the villain that was the object of everyone's attention. His attention having been shifted away from his captive, Joscelin watched as he suddenly swung his blade away from the woman in his grasp, using it to summon a wall of wind around himself, which pushed outward to send every threat to himself flying away. [i]Wow, that's a powerful looking magic Etra![/i] Was the short, odd thought that ran through her mind a fraction of a second before the wall of wind swept her off her feet and sent her flying back a good few yards, causing her to tumble end-over-end until she finally came to a halt in a dazed sitting position, her legs splayed out on the ground in front of her. Something about the impact of the magical wind had caused a strange, slightly tickly sensation to well up in the pit of her stomach, but just as quickly as it had come, it was gone. Trying to shake away her sudden dizziness and ignore the few scrapes and bruises that her little tumble had rewarded her with, she looked over and saw that the man was gone, but his captive was not. Already she could see the majority of the people that had gathered moving to check on her, while a few others seemed to do the opposite and begin walking away. Fully intending to join the former group, Joscelin stood and quickly stretched out her back, groaning to herself as a few of her jostled vertebrae popped back into their proper positions. With her less-than-swift recovery completed, Joscelin finally made her way over to the small group that was gathering around the woman, idly patting away some of the dirt that had gotten on her during the tumble. "Jeez... I guess that's one way to make an exit..." She muttered to herself just as she entered into earshot of the others, remaining standing as she looked them over now that she actually had the chance to. "Is everyone alright?" She asked them, glancing over at the corpse still laying on the ground and grimacing slightly. "Well... except for... you know..."