Still recovering from the slight shock, Azazel was totally unaware of the swiftly moving insect darted toward him. He would have been struck if it weren't for the haste in Maria's actions. The lash of her staff blew a small gust of wind past his face as she batted it away from his head. He hesitated for a moment before standing up and walking toward the exit of the shelter, glossing over Maria's words with a lack of attention as he stepped out of the light of the camp fire and stood in the shadows of the makeshift clearing. "I have a better Idea." Announced Azazel finally, a look of frustration across his face. He knelt down and placed his hand in the air, as if to pet some invisible beast. A dark glow emanated from his eyes as writhing shades crept across the ground and welled up underneath his hand. The shadows moaned and clicked as they interwove and meshed, growing and taking shape. A smattering of eyes pulled apart across the shadowy blobs form as a tangle of legs, claws, and fangs took shape. In moments, the darkness as finally solidified, taking the form of a pack of hound like creatures of different sizes and shapes. The beasts panted and snarled as they awaited the command of their creator. "No more surprises..." Spoke Azazel through a scowl, sending the beats into a rabid fury as they quickly shot into the foliage surrounding them. One stayed behind, sniffing the ground with a set of strange nostrils at the end of it's razor filled maw. The creature sensed a presence though it could not detect a smell or sight. It snarled and drooled as it approached the invisible Maria, almost as if it could somehow detect her in her current vanished state. "Not that one." Said Azazel under his breath, halting the beast and redirecting it to the ground where sniffed for enemies. "Lets go back inside. I'll sniff anything out around her and be rid of it." Declared Azazel despite not being able to detect Maria. He stepped back into the shelter, sitting on the log once again. "Just finish up here as quickly as you can so we can get moving again. We're only attracting predators and parasites by sticking around here." Realizing how long it had been, he cleared the dryness from his throat and looked out into the dark forest. "We also need to find water if we cant find civilization." Though as he said it, Azazel started to doubt their chances at finding anything earthly at all. This place was becoming increasingly strange and dangerous.