{Accepting!} [center][img=http://i.imgur.com/Aij86sv.png?1][/center] The multiverse follows the general principal of energy being neither created or destroyed. Universes die as new ones are born elsewhere. Magic aetherfields are prevalent in some areas, but conspicuously absent in others. At the same time, the multiverse also follows the general principal of resting at the lowest-density energy state it can. The end result is a multiverse of trillions of parallel and antiparallel universes, all at a carefully calculated, energy-efficient, spacing. So when a megalomaniacal robot tore a rift in its version of spacetime to invade another universe, the antimatter-powered reactors and hyperconductive magnetocapacitors fired at the same time as a desperate young witch tried to summon a monster larger than the one bearing down on her. Thus followed a rather large invasion from the robot's universe into the witch's. This is not our story. Our story instead focuses on a rather curious by-product of the multiverse's book-balancing. Due in large part to the actions of the insane robot, there was a small but statistically significant imbalance in energy density. The multiverse rectified this by teleporting chunks of nearby universes into one single universe. Our story lies on one particular habitable planet, Mir, in that universe. --- You control a faction (or person) teleported onto Mir. There is no plot or story; the RP is entirely free-form, and will come about from player interactions. As far as your faction or character is concerned, they were having a perfectly average day before being rudely interrupted by a thunderously loud boom and sizzling red flash. Following which, a hexagonal chunk of land from their universe is teleported onto Mir. The size of your hexagon should be approximately one mile in width (or one meter). This isn't a strict rule, it's more like a guideline - so if your character is 1.5 m wide, that's fine. Each faction should find itself somewhat depowered, depending on the general strength of the faction. So, for instance, a transdimensional robot overlord might find its reactors failing to initialize due to a different quantum foam structure in this universe, and therefore be severely reduced in functionality. At least, until it can study Mir's quantum foam. Or your school-castle of teenage witches and wizards might find their magicks suspiciously unreliable at best thanks to a different magical aetherfield. A tribe of cavemen would be perfectly fine - not a whole lot can go wrong with flint. The city of ancient Rome, however, might find itself dangerously short on food. Manhattan has spotty power, severed water lines, and food issues. And so on. --- [u][b]/|Mir:[/b][/u] Aside from PC factions and characters, several other chunks of land were teleported onto the surface of Mir. [hider=imported hexes]-[url=http://i.kinja-img.com/gawker-media/image/upload/s--12zuQ4Gx--/18m3yt2ypdwshgif.gif]Jurassic Park[/url]: From [i]Jurassic Park[/i] Isla Nublar, a 1990's zoo/resort complete with dinosaurs and electric fencing but absent of humans, slowly losing power (and containment). -[url=http://www.searlee.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2011/12/GoT_CastleBlackREF19.jpg]The Wall[/url]: From [i]Game of Thrones/A Song of Ice and Fire[/i]. A massive ice wall with a small fort (Castle Black) near the bottom. Medieval setting. There's a tunnel bored through the wall at the bottom and a lift to the top, where some small fortifications exist. -[url=http://img3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20080602004143/cnc/images/2/2c/Tiberiumbridge.jpg]Tiberium[/url]: From [i]Command and Conquer 3[/i]. A chunk of post-apocalyptic "red zone" San Francisco infested with green crystalline tiberium. The tiberium handily extracts all mineral wealth of the land into its crystal structure. However, it also slowly exoforms its surroundings, and is generally incredibly toxic. -[url=http://www.toptenz.net/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/Olympus-Mons.jpg]Olympus Mons[/url]: A chunk from the summit of Olympus Mons, the terrifyingly large volcano on Mars. -[url=http://lh4.ggpht.com/-vyursgWo9lU/UfjRiAubu4I/AAAAAAAAqx8/r8OPn9rHbLU/meteor-crater-3%25255B6%25255D.jpg?imgmax=800]Barringer Crater[/url]: Big ol' crater in Arizona. -[url=http://trackreviewers.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/05/Top-Gear-Test-Track.jpg]Top Gear Studios[/url]: The airport-turned test track and workshop of the popular British car show, [i]Top Gear[/i]. Devoid of human life, but there are some... interesting... "cars" lying around. -Irradiated Steampunk version of Atlanta: Exactly what it says on the tin. Not from any canon. -[url=http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2011/01/26/article-1350686-0CEA7849000005DC-181_964x605.jpg]Mana Pool[/url]: A great big pool of magical essence. Could be useful in studying this universe's aetherfield. Not from any canon. -[url=http://i.imgur.com/iprlPKV.jpg]Kerbal [/url][url=http://i.imgur.com/d60O6s9.png]Space Center[/url]: From [i]Kerbal Space Program[/i]. A space center designed for curiously-shaped 1m tall green [s]lemmings[/s][i][b]humanoids[/i][/b]. Something that may or may not be capable of reaching orbit sits ready to launch (or explode) on the launch pad. Clearly no sane person was involved in designing this "rocket". Devoid of kerbal life. -1/2 Mile High Forcefield Generated by Glowing Shrimp: Also what it says on the tin. Generally impenetrable as long as the shrimp are around, who claim it's protection from whales. Of course, shrimp aren't terribly good at communicating. Not from any canon. -[url=http://image.tmdb.org/t/p/original/ebxRt0tiqHbzq6Ns34nQ2IaBC6D.jpg]Perfection[/url][url=http://images5.fanpop.com/image/photos/31100000/Tremors-tremors-31149201-1024-768.jpg], NV[/url]: From [i]Tremors[/i]. A small desert town infested with large underground worms, formerly contained by the mountains that formerly surrounded the town. Devoid of human life. -[url=http://static4.businessinsider.com/image/4e2dc26969bedd8808000008-1200/london-heathrow-airport-65884143-passengers-per-year.jpg]Heathrow[/url] [url=http://nycaviation.com/newspage/wp-content/uploads/2009/09/lhr_diagram_1.jpg]Airport[/url] - London's Heathrow Airport. It's got planes, a fiery crash blocking the runways, and absolutely no human life. -[url=http://www.giannipc.com/josh/guide/sr_atlas_8b-018.jpg]Bleak Falls Barrow[/url] - From [i]Skyrim[/i]. A tomb situated prominently on a mountainside. Contains treasure, magical potions, a suspicious number of fresh cabbages in rotting ancient crates, undead guardians, a few traps, and maze-like crypts. And an word of power in an ancient dragon-tongue at the innermost heart. -[url=http://www.bible-history.com/resource/mount-vesuvius-eruption-pompeii.jpg]Mt. Vesuvius[/url] - The volcano that buried Pompeii, smoking and rumbling ominously.[/hider] [hider=Map][img=http://i.imgur.com/d4RsVDt.png][/hider] [hider=Map, Annotated][img=http://i.imgur.com/J2ev47Y.png] [/hider] --- [u][b]/|Sheets:[/u][/b] [hider=Faction Sheet]|Faction Name: |Universe: (Include a link to a wiki or something so we know what the heck you're talking about.) |Summary in a Sentence: |Description: |Technology Level: |Magical or other Supernatural Powers: |Magical/Technological Glitches: (disconnects to the Aetherfield, failing generators, food problems, etc) |Important People: +Name: +Role: +Description: |Hex Location: (where you are on the map) |Terrain Type: (example: Hilly Grassland) |Important Terrain Features: |Important Structures:[/hider] [hider=Character Sheet]|Name: |Gender: |Species: |Universe of Origin: |Abilities: |Equipment: |Backstory/Bio: |Other: |Start Hex:[/hider] [hider=Example]|Faction Name: Princeton-Plainsboro Teaching Hospital |Universe: [url=http://house.wikia.com/wiki/House_Wiki]House, M.D.[/url] (Point of Departure is in season 5) |Summary in a Sentence: Modern-day teaching hospital home to a brilliant but acerbic doctor. |Description: Modern-day hospital, full of fancy hospital gadgets and a chunk of local Princeton - your standard college town - mysteriously teleported onto Mir. The Dean of Medicine, Dr. Lisa Cuddy is constantly at odds with her star diagnostician, Dr. Gregory House. They've got a pharmacy full of medicine, a decent store of food, a back-up generator, 1/8th of a town, and people suddenly flocking to the only buildings with power in the area. The campus itself consists of a few buildings surrounding a rather pleasant green. A pub, 4/5ths of an apartment building, and a block of shops and boutiques also made the transition. |Technology Level: Modern-day. |Magical or other Supernatural Powers: None. |Magical/Technological Glitches: There's a gas-powered generator in the basement, but once fuel goes, they're screwed. Water is also a problem, as most of the pipes lead to dirt. And their supply of medicine and food is slowly dwindling. Meanwhile, there's quite a few desperately sick patients hanging around. |Important People: +Name: Dr. Lisa Cuddy +Role: Dean of Medicine & Chief Hospital Administrator - the doctor in charge of the hospital, and lately, the faction. +Description: A compassionate woman who finds herself often caught between doing what's right, doing what the board wants, and doing what House wants. +Name: Dr. Gregory House +Role: Head of Diagnostic Medicine +Description: Combine "Sherlock Holmes" & "Ornery Doctor"; throw in a nasty vicodin habit. +Name: Dr. James Wilson +Role: Head of Oncology +Description: House's only friend, and enabler. |Hex Location: Three tiles southwest of Heathrow, just north of the tundra-hills |Terrain Type: Hilly Forestland |Important Terrain Features: There's less greenspace than buildings, so, none. |Important Structures: [url=http://m.cdn.blog.hu/po/pommes/image/rém/Uma-tonelada-de-músicas-do-Prince.jpg]Well, there's the hospital campus itself, of course.[/url] -A pub -An apartment building, one corner of which is missing. -A block of shops and boutiques - a couple of clothes shopes, a corner grocery, a psychic, and a trinkets and knick-knacks shop[/hider] --- [hider=Accepted Factions][url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/69716/posts/ooc?page=1#post-2193823]Thorgili - Warboss Wallaz's WAAGH[/url] [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/69716/posts/ooc?page=2#post-2238740]Enalais - UNSC[/url] [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/69716/posts/ooc?page=1#post-2196054]Eemmtt - The Automaton[/url] Sutternalt - Princeton-Plainsboro Teaching Hospital [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/69716/posts/ooc?page=2#post-2207264]Joegreenbeen - Sporetopia[/url] [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/69716/posts/ooc?page=2#post-2239599]Skylar - Strike Witches[/url][/hider] --- [u][b]/|Rules:[/b][/u] [list=1][*]Standard forum rules apply. No god-modding, have a reasonable command of English spelling and grammar, etc.[/*] [*]If you haven't posted in the IC for a week, your character/faction will be NPC'd and/or up for grabs. Also, see rule #3.[/*] [*]Let me and the other players know if you're going to be away for more than a day. If you don't and you've been gone for a week, see rule #2.[/*][/list] [u][b]/|Useful Notes:[/u][/b] [list][*]The more you can set up situations for other factions/characters and interact with them, the better the RP.[/*] [*]Feel free to talk about what's going on IC in the OOC. I encourage you to discuss the setting, current plans for your or others' factions and characters, crowning moments of awesome, probable outcomes of fights, flights of wild "what-if?" fancy, or what-have-you.[/*] [*]If you've got a brilliant idea that would add to the world, just throw it in your post. One of the fun parts of doing play-by-post is group world creation. Unless it egregiously goes against the general theme of Mir or restricts the other players, it's canon.[/*] [*]Going off my previous point, I highly recommend familiarizing yourself with the improv rule of [url=http://www.dangoldstein.com/howtoimprovise.html]"yes, and"[/url].[/*][/list]