Name: Violet Age: Physically resembles a humanoid female of around 20, is actually 40. Slimes do not actually age, their growth is dependent on their ability to eat enough to grow. Gender: Female Race: Slime - An advanced slime, with a body replicating that of a human being. Advanced slimes are human females, for some somewhat perplexing reason, in terms of appearance. They possess a "default" form, but can also shift and change it at will, producing new limbs or altering their appearance, even to the point of becoming a blobby puddle. If they really wanted to. Advanced slimes are sapient, though some are more intelligent than others, and can speak the languages of other sapient beings. They are impervious to melee combat unless their body is separated and scattered completely, but fire and magic are very, very bad for slimes of any type. Extremes of temperature are dangerous as well. Certain slimes possess additional abilities as individuals due to their location. All slimes reproduce through division, though they are also capable of merging. Advanced slimes, if they choose to merge, become a single, larger, more powerful advanced slime that is a mixture of the former two in both appearance and personality. They can be divided again, however. New-born advanced slimes resemble girls of around the age of eight-to-ten, and are often referred to as "slimedaughters" to differentiate them from "slimegirls" as advanced slimes are often referred to. They can remain in this state indefinitely if they do not eat enough to grow more mature. They cannot lose growth unless they lose part of their body and are unable to retrieve it. They can eat just about anything, but most prefer real food. Advanced slimes, in order to make themselves presentable in public, can use their amorphous structure to cause anything that would count as indecent exposure to disappear and reappear at will. This is quite convenient for both the slimes and for law enforcement, as arresting a slime for indecent exposure is a strange and confusing experience for all parties involved. Appearance: [url=]"Haaaaaaaaaiiii!"[/url] Personality: Violet is friendly. Perhaps a bit too friendly. She has a tendency to latch on to people she finds fun, quite literally, and generally kind of harass them to spend time with her. She also possesses a worryingly perverse streak in addition to her overly-friendly behavior. In spite of these issues, she is generally rather nice and sweet-natured, unlikely to go hurting people or doing anything particularly threatening. Well, unless you count occasional somewhat-perverse teasing. Or other forms of teasing. She thinks it's rather fun, really, embarrassing people or making them confused. But she won't ever actually do something truly harmful. Violet attempts to hide when she is irritated or annoyed, but it's really rather impossible to do so now that the emotigem makes her emotions display whenever. She also doesn't hesitate to fight, using parts of her body as clubs. Brief Backstory: Violet's history is not particularly extraordinary for a slime. She divided from her mother, was rather unimaginatively named, and accidentally ate the emotigem before eating enough to grow more mature. Really, you wouldn't expect her to be a godling, to say the least. Abilities: As a slime, Violet's body is amorphous and can be changed and altered at will. Her preferred way of utilizing this is to use her excess mass to form clubs, which she can use as weapons. The clubs display faces, caused by the emotigem she accidentally swallowed as a slimedaughter. Aside from that, there's really nothing she has in terms of abilities that's particularly different from other members of her species with one key exception. Violet can break the "faces" off of herself, which grants them sight and causes them to become someone more detailed, though still simple, versions of Violet's head. They can be sent to scout, as Violet sees through them, and she can also communicate through them. They can smoothly rejoin her body when she is done with them, returning to being simply indicators of her mood. Equipment, Items, and Other Belongings on Hand: An "emotigem", a simple magical item that displays emotions. Violet accidentally swallowed it when she was young. Its existence slightly influences her amorphous body and causes the bulbous appendages she uses as clubs to display her emotions in the form of simple faces. This makes her very bad at hiding her feelings about anything. Miracles: -A SLIME DRAWS NEAR: Violet can generate lesser slimes(the basic, blobby, non-humanoid, unintelligent type) and control them. They can be dangerous in groups and enough of them can damage equipment. -Dark as a Cave: Violet is more powerful in shaded places, and especially in caves. Domains: Slime and Caves