So here's what I'm thinking. By this point we can go with who we have, being you three and maybe a few others. Keep going maybe we'll pick up some people or some of the disappeared ones will come back. I mean I can keep bumping the Interest Check and maybe get some more but the age of it understandably can be a bit of a turnoff. Or I can copy my posts and make a new Interest Check and OOC/IC, essentially a new RP. You guys are free to resubmit and use the characters you made here, or you can make new ones. The point being that we'd get some more people from the start and hope everyone sticks around. I'd certainly be looking for a higher post frequency from myself mainly. So more frequent story advancements and a higher posting rate will hopefully keep people from disappearing. That's what I'm thinking, to me the second one seems to be the better option, but it's a big decision and I don't really want to be the only one making that decision. So what do you guys think?