Kennedy stood quietly as her brain worked a million miles a minute to process the fact that they were no longer in Columbia. [i]If we aren't in Columbia...[/i] she shook her head, which had begun to hurt after the rush of information that had just flown into it. Samuel stood in one corner of the elevator, leaning against the wall for support. His body was still weak from weeks of undernourishment, and the recent blast of events took even more out of him. Kennedy eyed Val as the elevator stopped with each floor on its way up. He simply grinned at her and the others and rushed out onto one of the floors, leaving the rest of them to finish the journey up. Kennedy sighed, "Let's hope he doesn't get shot..." She looked up at the list of floors to see that they were almost to the top. She turned back to Sam, eyeing the elevator doors. "So, what happens when we get to the top? More guards?" Sam swallowed hard and looked at her. "Hopefully no guards, though we may run into a splicer or two. Potentially a BD." Kennedy's eyes narrowed and he sighed again, "BD's are giant protectors of Little Sisters. They won't hurt you unless you hurt the girl. So just keep your paws off and you'll be fine." The elevator dinged at the last floor, and the doors opened up to an empty hallway with several doors on either side. A sign handing from the ceiling at the end of the hall read 'Medical Pavillion.' Kennedy stepped off the elevator, her hand resting on her Hand Cannon and caution in her step. Samuel walked out behind her, but his vision started to turn black, and soon he collapsed. "Shit..." Kennedy picked him up off of the ground and looked back down the hall. One of the doors was propped open, so she nudged open the door with her foot to reveal an empty office. It looked like it had been empty for a while, dust collected on the shelves and desk that occupied the room. Kennedy sat Samuel down and looked back to the few guys who had made it up the elevator with her. "Mind taking a look around? We need to wake this guy up, he's kinda our tour guide for the moment." She opened up the drawers to help, found a syringe with a blue liquid in it that read 'Eve' on it, and raised an eyebrow. "What the hell?" She looked back to Samuel, who was unconscious still. "Hopefully this doesn't kill him..." She walked over and stuck the needle in his arm, pressing the plunger down until all the mysterious liquid was gone. For several moments, nothing happened. His breathing remained normal and heart rate did not increase or slow down. "Well, I guess that didn't work." Kennedy turned her attention back to finding something to help, when she heard Samuel cough. She grinned, turning to see him opening his eyes groggily. "Good morning sunshine, I suggest you refrain from doing that again. No idea what I put in ya but it seemed to have given you some energy." Samuel looked next to him to see the syringe, and he chuckled. "Eve? That won't help me much other than give me a rush. Can't any of you find a medical kit?" Kennedy looked at him with a blank expression as she turned to continue her search.