[b]Name:[/b] Melanie Torbrough [b]Age:[/b] 35(Says she is 26) [b]Race:[/b]Human [b]Gender:[/b]Female [b]Rank:[/b] Colonel [b]Brief Origin Story:[/b] Melanie tends to hide her beginnings from people she comes across. What is known about her is when she came into leading a small group(5-9) of townspeople against a hive of feral ghouls. Melanie succesfully infiltrated the hive without alerting the feral ghouls and laid down explosives at the portion of the cave which lead deep into the hive. When the dynamite exploded, the towns people were to shoot at any feral ghouls that came running out. Meanwhile, Melanie had gotten safely from the explosion and killed any feral ghouls that came to investigate the cave in. Melanie was around 25 years of age when she was appointed the town sheriff. Eventually, Melanie was appointed the head of the militia of all the towns in the surronding area(total of 100 humans). Melanie eventually left the militia and joined the Yakima Republic. When asked why she left, she simply said 'Let's just say that somebody wanted to kill me.' [b]Appearance:[/b] [hider=Melanie][img]http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2011/025/c/4/c4a24e75e8470fed37f66b1117146376-d3824zr.png[/img][/hider] [b]Army Name:[/b] 1st Republic Infiltrators(The Black Widows) [b]Army Banner:[/b][hider=Black Widows][img]http://th09.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/i/2012/160/2/9/black_widow_symbol_ii_wp_by_chaomanceromega-d52wh3d.png[/img][/hider] [b]Army Specialisations:[/b] Infiltration and Recon [b]Army Origins:[/b] It wasn't until recently that the Black Widows had come into being. Every member of the Black Widows have been hand picked by Melanie herself. Some of the members are people Melanie use to serve with. Most of the members are women who have particular sets of skills at getting into places they aren't suppose to be in. [b]Army Racial Composition:[/b] Melanie is far from against having races other than humans in her army. But, Melanie will not accept somebody who she believes won't fit into the army or cause conflict with other soldiers. [b]Order of Battle:[/b] Rico's Recon(1st Company) Forerunners(1s platoon), 30 humans(10 females, 20 males) and 5 ghouls(2 males, 3 females), equipped with light weaponry(knifes, pistols, and hunting rifles(wielded only by 10 humans and 5 ghouls))and light armor(mostly raider armor or leather armor). Silencers(2nd platoon), 20 humans(15 females, 5 males) and 10 ghouls(5 females, 5 males), equipped with knives and low calibre pistols(.32 pistols and 10mm pistols) and light armor/civilian clothing. Watchers(3rd platoon), 20 humans(10 males, 10 femals) and 20 ghouls(14 males, 6 females), equipped with knives, low calibre pistols, hunting rifles(10 humans and 10 ghouls), and light armor(leather). The Widows(2nd Company) Infiltrators(1st Platoon) 30 humans(all females) and 5 ghouls(females), equipped with knives and .32 pistols, wear civilian/very light armor. Collectors(2nd Platoon) 20 humans(Females) and 10 ghouls(females), equipped with knives, light armor, and 10mm pistols Cleaners(3rd Platoon) 40 humans(20 males, 20 females), 20 ghouls(10 males, 10 females) and 5 Super mutants(males), equipped with knives, assault rifles and pistols, wears light to medium armor. Total: 235 [b]Headquarters Name:[/b] Subway Station 88(The Hourglass) [b]Headquarters Description:[/b]Subway Station 88, nicknamed the Hourglass by the Widows, is a pre-war subway station fitted with enough bedding to fit all the Widows. The Widows have cleared out the majority of the subway and blockaded any entrances from other subways. The main ground entrance is always guarded by two super mutants from the Cleaners. The Widows have seperated parts of the subway so that each one does different things. There are three major rooms in the Hourglass know; Living Quarters, the Entrance, and the Armory. The living quarters, as its name states, is where everybody in the Widows live. Even Melanie sleeps in the same area as her soldiers. The entrance is the above ground entrance which the Widows guard which has been fortified. The Armory is where the Widows keep all of their weapons and armor. Unlike the other rooms which are simply cut off from each other by a wooden barrier, the Armory is a guard room with fridges lined up to block the glass.