Jay Ahn, Squad 18. "Sure!" Jay grinned as he urged his horse to start a fast pace, glancing behind him to see Mika close behind. He was somewhat proud to know that he was the one leading...but he couldn't let that get in his head! He would hate to see his new-found team dissolve because of some petty argument. The other member, Peter, had been deathly silent the whole time. Jay just shrugged it away - the boy would talk when he wanted too. Noelle Ahn, Squad 19 "Alright," she said, nodding to Thomas before glancing at the impatient Jean-Paul. "Yeah, let's go." Noelle took Thomas's advice, softly tapping on her mounts side to get the horse to move at a fairly reasonable pace down the road. She casually glanced around before striking up a conversation. "So, what districts are you guys from...?"