[quote=darkwolf687] I am (slowly, because phones are irritating to work on) producing an application. It might help if I wasn't half asleep too roflI assume faith gains similarly to tech points, ie: Every 3 days you get your statHow much would the faith awards cost? [/quote] For an amateur I can code rather decently with a solid understanding of OOP, but most of my experience is in console C++/java. Never messed around too much with graphics packages on them. js always filled all my needs in that regard very well. Speaking of phones, I remember when I messed around with Xcode for iphones 3-4 years back and had hell to pay for memory leaks in that mess - though I hear it is a very good IDE now... Yes, faith and science will be in step with fleet strength updates. Every three days I will put up a post with everything. A section I will add this evening will be the specifics of how these three day "turns" if you wish to call the that will work. EDIT: I will be brainstorming and assigning them faith costs depending on how powerful they are. A lot of work will be put into filling out things such as that over the next 24 hours.