Bachus somewhat grinned at the colossal woman who had approached him. "I've... had somewhat of an epiphany." He paused. "I don't.... really want to die.... nor do I want other to. So finishing the game has kind of become a priority." He grunted. "Those with skill should devote themselves to the front lines." He looked down at the ground. "I forgot that somewhere along the way. A familiar voice spoke to him. He knew very well who it was. As a matter of fact it was one of the first people he met in the game. Ryan had spoken about Karen, which unfortunately, caused bachus to snap, and go into overdrive for a brief moment. He facial expression was blank, before walking towards Ryan too. Speeding up, he sprinted and grabbed a hold of Ryan's armour by the collar piece. "You know nothing. Karen didn't need to die. She... she chose to. I offered her my potions and she declined. Before...." He paused. "Before she faded." His voice was grumbling and furious, but he was going from angry, to upset. "I've thought about her every day since...." He looked as though he were about to cry. "We hadn't known each other too long.... just a few weeks into the game. But we were going to get married in game." He smiled a little, before remembering she was dead. "But now.... there's nothing but death all around. So the only thing to do is complete the game, so other people like Karen, with their loved ones can make it back home...." He was very serious, and you could tell by his voice tone. "... and I'm prepared to give up anything.... for that to happen." He let go of ryan and took a step back, before grumbling again. "So dont you dare talk about Karen to me. I loved her. The constant reminder of her death is enough to punish me, dont add to my sin any further." Bachus was now silent, before staring at Ryan.