Mikau had a triumphant jump in his step as he took his first step on brown soil for months. Mikau hadn't elected himself to tell anyone other then Japas where he was going because he didn't need the tearful farewells or any of that nonsense. It would just make it a lot more difficult for him to leave. The guitarist had a decent amount of coin in the Octorok skin satchel on his side and his guitar strapped to his back. That was all the Zora saw fit to bring, since food from the sea would expire quickly in the sun of Hyrule. He would need to find a town nearby to buy some supplies before he was ready to pursue his love. Truthfully he really didn't understand the land at all. Mikau knew that his destination was to the west of his ocean, but what lie between the ocean and Lake Hylia was a complete and utter mystery to him. He only knew one thing for certain; towns are always near rivers. As long as Mikau traveled river side he would be sure to find a town. And maybe there would be someone there to help him find his way. And with that Mikau dived into a nearby River and traveled with the current, hopeful that he would soon encounter a town where he could buy food and supplies. Mikau was at home in the water. He elegantly dodged rocks jutting out of the riverbed and pesky beings such as Octoroks and other aquatic pests. He was moving at the speed of a horse and was only slowed down by the sight of a dam. For a moment he considered getting out of the water to walk, but Mikau decided it would be faster to go over it. He picked up speed and sunk low to the ground. He went faster and faster until he was about to collide with the wooden obstacle, then sharply angled his body upwards and broke the surface, flying airborne over the barrier... then proceeded to belly flop on the dry ground on the other side. "BLEEDING PIKE FISH!" He called, picking himself up off the ground from the painful landing. "Why would someone block off a perfectly good river like this?!" "Uh... hello sir. Do you need a bandage?" Someone said from behind the Zora. Mikau turned around to meet spot a small gathering of Hylians all staring at him with shocked expressions. Mikaus normally blue face immediately became a bright red. It was an embarrassing display. "N-no thank you. Erm... where am I right now?" Mikau looked around but he didn't spot any landmark he recognized. "I suppose you sea-folk don't come around these parts very often. This is Ordin village!" The main had a warm expression. Good old country home hospitality at it's best. "....Do you have travel supplies I can buy?" The young Zora was glad that he had found a place with people before he got himself hopelessly lost in the large, dry and barren country side. "Absolutely! Right this way sir, Follow me!" The man reached out to Mikau and pulled him out of the river bed before they made their way towards the town store. ===================== Zelda smiled when she heard her brother's voice without taking her eyes off of the bright blue sky. "I'm glad to hear father is doing well. Hopefully he will be back in fighting shape before too long." Zelda sat upright in her bed and faced her brother. "Brother, the only person here who works harder then me.. is you! I don't know how you do it. Without you around I would probably have gone crazy by now." Zelda gave Sheik a warm appreciative smile, not saying anything because nothing really needed to be said. Zelda let the silence hang in the room for a few moments before she shifted uncomfortably where she sat. "Have you noticed anything.. strange going on in Hyrule recently? I can't explain exactly what it is, but for the past few days I've been feeling a slight unease. Like something big is going to happen..." She looked away, slightly embarrassed. "Maybe I'm just letting the stress get to me. Hyrule has been running smoothly, the 4 races have had healthy political ties like always. The Sheika have been rather silent lately, but..." She trailed off, only just now remembering her brother's heritage. "What do you think?"