Sheik blushed behind his cowl. He hadn't expected his sister to notice how much he had been doing recently. Especially since the king had taken ill. His sister had taken on a very large burden ruling the kingdom in his stead, and he had been doing everything in his power to help her. Including things that she probably wouldn't be glad to hear about. The killing of a spy and potential assassin being the biggest one. The Sheikah took in Zelda's question, carefully considering what she said before forming an answer. Something strange going on in Hyrule... Sheik crossed his arms are he thought. His sister also mentioned the Sheikah clan being quietly lately, then trailed off, perhaps not wanting to upset her brother. He addressed this first, it was much easier. "The Sheikah silently stick to the shadows, being the eyes and ears of the castle as they have always been. Silence from them is a good thing. It means that all is well." That brought them to the next issue. "I have not felt the same unease as you. But you have something I don't. The Triforce of Wisdom. This may be a Goddess related thing. It could also be the stress, but when is it ever?" The Sheikah warrior made his way over to Zelda's window and looked out at all that was below. Scanning for anything out of the ordinary. Everything seemed to be fine at the moment, at least in the area that he could see. He made a mental note to travel to Castle Town at some point today and make sure everything was okay there. In order to ease his sister's mind. And to some point his own. He wondered his else he could ease his sister's mind. Perhaps he could disguise himself as her for a little while? They looked enough alike, and a little bit of magic was all it took to change his eye color for a little while. Though he wasn't happy about the though of wearing a dress, but for Zelda he would do it. "One of the best ways to make sure everything is all right is to go among the common people. Hear their gossip. Would you like to go with me to Castle Town? You'd get to not only take a break from castle life, but be able to see if there is in fact something going on." Normally he wouldn't make such a proposal. But in this case it seemed like the best thing. --- Fi stayed in her sword form and silent as Link did his business around Ordin. She just watched the new hero interact with his friends and his horse. Finally he was done and they left. Fi came out of her sword form, gliding easily alongside the horse. The rain didn't bother her in the slightest. She didn't have to think about his question before answering it. "Of course. The Princess and the hero have always had a close relationship. You are after all, two parts of the Triforce." She then realized that he probably didn't know what she meant. "The hero has always wielded one third of the Triforce. The Triforce of Courage to be exact. While the Princess wields the Triforce of Wisdom. And Ganondorf holds the Triforce of Power."