Had the ordeal inside the Magtail Fort been forty minutes earlier, the ground would simply have been slippery, and Gorko's immense weight would have been a blessing as it helped him keep his footing. Now, though, the rain had been falling long and hard enough to turn the less developed pathways of Castle Town to muck. Into this, Gorko couldn't help but partially sink, miring his progress as he hurried through the downpour. It was one of those dirt paths he took, having gone straight into a nearby alleyway between the tavern and the adjacent Bomb Shoppe. Oblivious to the presence of a certain salesman on his tail, Gorko trudged through the alley until he arrived at a little, hidden area. Littered with crates, boxes, and bags, this secluded spot appeared to be a storage area for the Magtail Fort. A backdoor, little-used judging by its state, helped solidify this conclusion. Such a thing wasn't at all unusual for a grand establishment like the Fort. More unusual by far were the people that inhabited it. The same trio that had appeared onstage now resided here. Midna, somewhat exhilarated and breathing rapidly, lay sprawled over a spare mattress protected from the air by a layer of canvas. Zant sat on the cobblestone nearby, daring to relax a little against a cask of liquor. The strange corners of his mouth made it impossible for any onlooker to see if he was pleased or upset. There was no question about Groose, however; the young man was laughing his head off. “Did you see their faces when you caught the tomato? Priceless! They're going to be talking about that for months!” For the first time, the somber, robed Twili spoke. “That is the plan. We have planted rumors and made a big impression. Whether they believe her or not, these people are going to tell a dozen people each, and those dozen another twelve, and each time the story will grow wilder. If you are not a sensation within a day I will be most unhappy. Then we can begin to properly earn their trust. We must...” The princess permitted herself a genuine smile. “Yes, yes,” she cut in, “I am glad everything went so well.” At the noise of heavy footfalls, she turned and became aware of Gorko. “And it would not have been possible without our dear comrade! I would never have imagined a Goron to be such an incredible actor, but you blasted my suspicions. The rolling attack was particularly convincing.” Grinning broadly, Gorko rubbed the back of his head. “Well...I was actually trying to hit you, your Grace. Method acting and all that.” Midna's eyes widened. “By Una! No wonder it was so believable.” She sat up, folding her cloak over herself like a blanket. “And you must really stop with the 'Grace' nonsense. If I am going to be a better ruler than Zelda, I must get to know my people. And you three are my first.” Embarrassed once again, Gorko gave a thumbs-up and said nothing. Groose, however, jumped forward and grasped Midna by the hands, pulling her up onto her feet. Full of energy, he spun her around in a jubilant dance. Though surprised, Midna didn't seem at all opposed to a little fun. “Our Twilight Princess is heading to the top, yeah!” Groose hooted.