"Ganondorf? The name sounds familiar, so is the Tri-force of Courage why I am able to pull off sword move I shouldn't even understand but know how to do them and how to use effectively?" He spoke as they entered the gate of Castle Town slipping past the dozing guard unnoticed he tied up Epona in a barn outside the local inn, The Red Dragon. "Fi don't worry about locals here, Castle town see's all manner of different people so you won't stand out to much, beside's I'm sure you prefer to be out and about after all the time in the temple." He gave her a soft smile and then entered the Inn taking a seat at a back table away from the crowd the young man asked only for a glass of water, deciding to sit and wait to see what happened, maybe have a polite discussion with Fi. He was glad no one had recognized him yet as he would hate to fight Hylian soldiers, but it seemed he had gotten away with deserting. Strangely he could feel his left hand pulse a little he pulled off the leather glove looking at his hand he saw the faint outline of the Tri-force symbol in gold, one of the triangle a deeper gold as if tattooed on.