"WHAT?!??!" The young vampire jumped up and marched up to Mira. "Why do I have to wait for the old bag to appear? You have plenty of other lame ass people that don't have plans for the night! Tell Adelisa to stay, she will just end up blushing the entire night anyway!" Theodora was about to continue when she got one look from Mira. She opened her mouth, but shut it tight with a click of her teeth. "Yes Miss Mira." Theodora muttered through gritted teeth. "So? Who wants to spend a few hours with Theo alone waiting for a fossil to arrive?" She slide a silky gaze over to Praetor. "How about you handsome? You know how to deal with these old guys better than I do. No. You have to spend time with Miss Mira." Another glare was passed at Mira, then she turned her attention to Otto and Adelisa. "What about you two? Care to spend a few hours with me? I'll make it worth your time." She winked at them and bounced over to Adelisa and took her hand. "Plllleeeassssee?"