Happy sat outside the building. Being familiar with all of Castle Town's ins and outs, he knew exactly where to sit so that he would not be spotted, but could still hear what was going on. Inside, there seemed to be quite a celebration. Someone was shouting happily as he spoke to his comrades. Happy continued listening. He heard the strange voice of the woman from earlier. Why had the Goron come here? He had thrown the tomato after all. Then he heard confirmation. It had been an act. A new voice spoke, pointing out the obvious that everyone else had hid with playful sarcasm. It must have been the man in the ornate robe. This troupe was becoming increasingly interesting. He kept his ears perked for more information, but it seemed as though the exchange had turned in to a full party. There was singing and the coordinated patters of dancing feet. He decided he'd stay until they left. While the celebration inside continued, Happy thought the whole situation over. He agreed with the woman that Zelda was a weak ruler. Her father had been a fair king, but he too was weak. [i]All[/i] of Hyrule's people were weak. That was why the Demon King had always been able to overthrow the monarchy and take over the kingdom sigle-handedly [i]every time.[/i] But at the same time, he was unsure of this new woman. He didn't know her. He didn't know her people. To be honest, he didn't know anything about her background or her heritage. She'd mentioned that her father was a king and that she was a princess, but he knew nothing of these people. It was particularly odd for him, considering all the places he'd been to and all the people he'd met, that he had never come across anything like her. He leaned against the wall, pondering, the beat of his thoughts matching that of the dancing feet. *** Two gentle knocks at the door made Ganondorf jump out of his seat. He'd been dozing. "What is it?" He sounded irritated. "I found something interesting, You Grace." A ponytailed spy entered the room and bowed. "Which is...?" He made a circular motion with his hand to signify that he wanted the rest of the information. "Someone is trying to overthrow Zelda's rule." The spy stood straight with her hands clasped behind her back. "Is that so?" Ganondorf leaned forward in his chair and rested his elbows on his knees. He hid his nasty grin behind his folded hands. "A woman who calls herself Princess Midna. She's an unusual person, I must say. Charming but her efforts seemed futile." The spy shifted her weight onto one hip. "Though she did seem to catch the people's attention. She also had some kind of magic." "Interesting indeed." Ganondorf pondered for a moment. He thought that perhaps this Princess Midna could prove useful. He looked back at the spy. "Keep an eye on her. I will send someone else to take over your previous mission. Learn everything you can about this woman and report every detail to me." "Yes, My Lord." The spy bowed again. "It would be my honor." "Unless you have more to say about the subject, You are dismissed." Ganondorf gave her a shooing gesture. She bowed one last time and left him in peace. Perhaps not all hope was lost. He would hold off on making his move until he knew everything about Midna. He wanted to use her to get to the throne. To get to Zelda. Perhaps she would follow him and he'd have a queen once he took Hyrule. He would need one after all. Who better than the princess of another nation?