Praetor ground his teeth at the young girls action, if he was back in Rome... Well lets just say he would have taught her to respect her elders, especially those who had killed more vampires than she had ever seen. He shook his head and followed Mira, honestly he would have to set that girl straight, maybe a firing squad wake up call would do the job... Then again that could be over kill. He placed a hand to his chin rubbing it thoughtfully as the cogs in his head turned, trying to think up a suitable punishment for the young vampire trouble maker. Driving the thoughts from his head for the moment he stepped up to walk alongside Mira. "Mira, I have to ask why do you keep that little trouble maker around, if she get's any flirty-er I may just snap and duct tape her mouth shut...Then apply staples for good measure. The silence would be blessing upon us all."