Priroda was astonished by the phase shift, since she expected you to attempt to scale the stone pillar, instead of float through it. She was even more taken back when her oponent actualy cut THROUGH her pillar in a single high powered swipe. Sure enough, the pillar began sliding, and priroda had to change her footwork to keep her balance. During this momentary offset, she could swear she saw 2 beams of energy fly towards her! Human reaction speed, and her struggling stance found priroda unable of completely avoiding both energy beams, which resulted in a singular 3rd degree burn on her right shoulder. (Im assuming you meant thermal energy, like a laser). "AAAYYY!" (Ouch) She shouted in protest. She flung the hammer over herself, in a verticle overhead swing, burrying the head into the sandstone at her feet. Once more, the motion was a catalyst for her magic. The pillar suddenly burst out horizontally, releasing a torrent of sandstone shards in al directions, and a plume of dust that surrounded both combatants (reguardles of whether or not the shards landed.) priroda landed lightly on her feet after the reduced fall, and kept her kneese bent and her body low. Her eyes and ears perked up, searching for her oponent, determined not to let HIM get the drop on her. Meanwhile, Sol saw the beams of energy hit her sister, and nearly ran out to HELP her! "Sestra ! ty v poryadke ?" She shouted. She was dismayyed when she recieved no responce, and she lost sight of priroda in the dust hail.