The Compass' engines were indeed working, though some of the pipes were now damaged due to some misuse. But that was unimportant at the moment! Bit of love later and everything would be alright. Of course the crew would first have to realize that the pipes were damaged in the first place, but that was a problem for another time. The ship was moving, and soon they would make it to a clearing to repair the frayed balloon. It took a few hours, but the ship made it past some bothersome forests and to some clear plains. It was a rather unremarkable area, covered in tall grass and weeds. Maithien had dared but once to set foot on the ground. He had grown feverish on the ship, his want for rest had disappeared in a metaphorical puff of smoke surprisingly fast. The only thing Maithien told his crew before getting off the ship was to repair the balloon, though he didn't specify who he expected to accomplish the task. He was too busy enjoying the grass. However it only took him all of five minutes of tripping over weeds and stepping on sharp rocks for him to retreat back to the confines of his quarters on the ship. Luckily it didn't take too long for the balloon to get repaired, though if you were to ask Maithien who did it he wouldn't be able to answer. Although he would have been much happier to not have to stop at all Maithien supposed there wasn't much he could do about the hand he had been dealt. He just had to suck it up and sail to Braelv. At nightfall Maithien was happy to finally find his ship docked, safe and sound in the town of Braelv. The town was one of the few dotted around the outskirts of Riviqin. Ships would sail to and from the floating city to the towns. The goods transported from Riviqin to the towns would be sent out by train to other towns and cities. Meanwhile the goods sent from the towns to Riviqin by ship were sold in the city. Maithien was currently sitting on a stool on the deck with a lamp, looking at a map of Braelv and trying to figure out how best to make it to his destination. [i]Will want to stay away from the southern side, last time I was here there was nothing but gangs.[/i] Indeed, that was a fun adventure. But not one to focus on now. Deciding the rest of the crew may have an idea as to the best route Maithien got up from his seat, began walking down the stairs to below deck, and started yelling for his crew. "Everybody out, please!"