[img]http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2013/059/c/6/mana_cycle__forest_scene_by_reneaigner-d5whka9.jpg[/img] Cloveshore had been a very quiet place for a long time now. There were a few odd happenings every now and then, but it was still fairly quiet for the most part nonetheless. At least, until the local disappearances started to increase. For some reason unknown reason, people started vanishing from the town on a regular basis. It had happened every once in a while in the past, but never on this scale. As the population dwindled, the townsfolk grew panicked and got together to come up with a solution. Suspicions were directed toward the odd family that lived in the mansion just outside of town. The occupants of the mansion were never seen in the town, and stories of them taking the forms of beasts and abducting people had been used to scare children into behaving for some time. Even most of the older citizens of the town seemed to believe the rumors, however, and now that there was a particularly big problem, fingers were pointed toward the strange family once again. Eventually, after much discussion, it was decided to send a group of girls to the mansion in the hope that the beasts would accept the offering and leave the town alone. "It was a difficult decision...we deeply regret that it has come to this...this is for the good of the town..." Many excuses were given, but the fact remained that, for one reason or another, the girls were sent to be possibly eaten by monsters. Eventually, the day of their departure came, and all of the girls chosen were to meet up at a certain point at the edge of town... ------- [img]https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTu3rAQsuGwz1vAbb2NcXmGC_6pEMzPp7dOoddJzVVcNqrzg69B[/img] At the mansion, seven brothers were woken up by the sunlight streaming through newly-opened curtains. "Good morning, young master. We will be having guests today, so please remember to meet in the parlour before lunch. And do be sure to clean up and mind your manners. We wouldn't want another incident, would we?"