The journey after Amn's fal was a short one. He walked a few steps towards a poorly assembled building, with wide swinging doors, and the sounds of music and cheering comming from within. It was a tavern or a saloon, of which either could serve as a wounderfull place to pick up "under the table" type work. Amn walked inside, and headed straight for the counter. A few shots of whiskey, and a little flirting later, he mannaged to persuade the bartender to PAY HIM to drink! How genius of an idea! He could simply make an illusion that apeared to be drinking, and get paid for literally nothing! And so amn did. He accepted a sizable amount of gold, and produced an illusion that could walk, talk, and even DRINK upon its own accord! Then, Amn left the saloon to his magical double, and searched for the group, as to pay for the cariage ride. This plan would have gone great, had Amn not gotten lost. Amidst calling "Jude! ALYN! SATOSHI! WHERE ARE YOU GUYS!" He passed by the tavern again. Aparently, his clone had angered somebody by drinkin their drink, and as amn passed, he recieved a dinner plate sized fist to the gut. [b]"UNGH!"[/b] a escaped from his body, portraying the anguish of loosing ones last breath. Amn found himself upon hands and kneese fighting for breath when the man continued his assault. He had to be AT LEAST double amn's size, and clearly much stronger. So, a pelting of fist and boots proceeded, after which, the coin purse Amn was holding was snatched, and Amn was promptly left, to sobre out his wounds upon the dusty town streets.