Zelda joined her brothers side and scanned the castle town of Hyrule before answering him. "That seems like a good idea Sheik, I've been confined and hidden away in the castle for too long with the recent work load. A good ruler has to get to know their citizens in order to best serve their interests." Zelda moved towards her wardrobe and closed the door behind herself. She gently placed her crown in it's protected glass case. She switched into more practical gear outfitted with leather boots and a skirt that allowed for more leg room. Zelda then turned towards her mirror, and briefly wondered if she should attempt to disguise herself. She had wandered Castle town before undisguised, confident that her brother would intervene in the event she was attacked. She wasn't without her own tricks; she was a sorceress in training, as was expected of the girl bearing the triforce of wisdom. But with her recent feelings of unease building within her mind she decided she would rather be safe then sorry. She didn't enjoy deceiving her citizens but sometimes it was best for her to go with her gut. Zelda rubbed her palms together and allowed the magic to flow. The triforce on her hand glowed a golden yellow as she had done this. She then reached back and raked her hands through her hair, and as she did so she slowly became a brunette. When her hair was a realistic tone of brown she then hovered her thumbs in front of her eyes, and they shifted from blue to brown. She stopped to inspect herself in the mirror. Someone might find her out with an extended glance, but her intention was to blend into the crowds. This appearance wasn't very likely to draw much attention. She stepped out of her wardrobe and gave her brother a wink, hoping that her minor disguise would do the trick. "We can't leave the ordinary way. Wouldn't want to blow our cover before we even step off the castle grounds do we? I'll let you lead the way, since this seems to be your expertise." A mischievous grin grew on her face like it always did when she and her brother sneaked out of the castle together.