It seems that I've come across a thing I'd like to join. Hmm... I'll wait a bit though. In the meantime, you, Magus, need a jump point for Cruz to do a thing. Imma read through a thing or two, see what I would do. If you'd rather wait for JEL's suggestion as they are the GM of this RP, by all means. I'm bored, so I'm doing it anyway. [s]Back in 15 mins or so.[/s] So... I've got a few suggestions on how to pull your character into the RP. 1) Cruz was forgotten back at the guild. He finds the Job poster that Jude left/dropped... words, reads it and begins to make the journey to the tournament himself. 2) Cruz returns to the guild hall after completing a small job to find most members gone. Upon finding the poster that discusses the tournament somewhere in the guild hall, Cruz goes or stays or does a thing. 3) Cruz already knew about the tournament and is waiting there for/with other members. It seems within the bounds of the character to do something like that. Again you can still wait for JEL's suggestions. Just thought I'd try to help. :P