[quote=TheDarkTemplar] Name: Aaron CaswellAge: 17Gender: Male Magic Name: Conjuration and NecromancyWeapon: Soul Gem-collects souls or a certain amount of an individuals life energy)Personality: Aaron is a pretty laid back guy when among friends. He loves to have fun and is up for anything. Anyone he meets he is usually friendly to unless they do something to directly insult him or when his other self takes over. Aaron once took part in a ritual that ended up giving consciousness to his inner evil. This dark side of himself now exists within Aaron as well as in the physical world. This entity known as "Cairn" can choose to make himself visible to others besides Aaron and can take the form of a black dire wolf. Even though Cairn is most of the time a cold and cruel creature it serves Aaron faithfully for is Aaron dies so does Cairn. The two have a relationship similar to brothers and sometimes Aaron can get Cairn to show some sort of emotion other than hate, but when Aaron's life is in danger or he becomes extremely angered Cairn takes over. Like this:In this state Aaron has the ability to do great evil. He can unlock his full potential as a conjurer or necromancer but at a cost. For whatever amount of time he spends in this state once he is out of it his ability to use his magic is depleted for that amount of time. Crush: no one yetFamiliar Appearance:Familiar Human Appearance: [/quote] Just change the weapon because I will take care of villain-esque characters for the rp as their will be arc plotlines